This is the place! Looks kinda cute, don't it. Like a Ranger Station up in the mountains in some National Park. In reality, it's what was handed down to us from our French brothers who had the good sense to get out of there. This is the most picturesque part of I CORP probably!!! (This building I mean.)
The 101st Airbornes PX
God Bless those guys...their PX was right outside our gate...and whatta PX it was...a carton of cigarettes as I recall was $2.50 ...and fifth of whiskey was $5. However, the canned beer didnt come with zip-tops even though back in the states they'd had'em for years...never figured that one out.
Beautiful Phu Bai International
This was the first thing a New Guy saw when he flew into Phu Bai...ha ha...a little comic relief from an otherwise really scarey experience.
It was a truely International Airport. Flights went out of there to exotic destinations such as, North VietNam, Laos and Cambodia.
The View Looking Out onto Route One from the 8th's Main Gate
An All-Girl Korean Band at the EM Club
A Bunch of my Buddies..Sitting on the front porch of our trailer-row. (ROW"D")
This is what we lived in. Yes, those are air-conditioners in the windows. Unfortunately, again, only one in three of them actually blew cold air. The others were just there for decoration. It became a status symbol to really have an operating A/C unit on your room...something that had to be acquired over a long period of time. (I know I spent the first two weeks in Phu Bai SWEATING MY NUTS OFF!!!)
See that mountain-top in the middle of the picture??? My old pal Billy McElroy was up there at the time this picture was taken..I didn't know it 'til I got home and showed him this shot.