I was at the 8th from Jun '69 to Jun '70. I started as a Comm Center Specialist (72B) and ended up working in the S3 shop. While at S3 I designed a patch for the response force and the mortar platoon, I think. One of them had a Cobra on it, don't remember the other. I also did the sign for the head shed, had a dragon on it, was shaped like a big "H". Was there when they put the pool in and opened a hamburger stand...it was almost like being home (NOT).

Me SP/4 Skip Buran

Hill 180

See Skip's Then and Now Page

HQ Company sign

The Compound

Jim Takas

Pat Palma


Sandstrom Salutes


D-Row / Rm#6

Mac McLaren

ETS'd from Uncle Sam's Army as a buck sergeant in 72. Worked in law enforcement for 5 years, finished school on the GI Bill. Finally figured military life wasn't so bad, so applied for OCS (Army) and OTS (AF). The Air Force called me about six months later and I became a 90-day butter bar.

Since my degree was criminalistics I spent my whole time in the AF in law enforcement and security stuff.

But you gotta know, my time in the Army and Vietnam set me up for whatever minor success I achieved later on. And the leaf is silver, so light col (retarded).

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