Charles Rowe, he threw a monkey-wrench in my plan.
The man had the audacity to give me, C.S. "God-Damn" Wayne, a "C"!!! And in a drawing course!!! But, ya'know what? He was right. I'll admit it. Hell, I ain't proud. My work was mediocre. I knew how to draw, but, my understanding of what drawing was all about was still rudimentry. Of course, after getting that "C", I had to take some courses with Julio DaCunha, who thought I was wonderful and always gave me "A's". But, it happened that I was forced to take a class I needed from that "Bastard Rowe" again. This time I was going to show him! It must have been "Drawing II"...I'll never forget the day. Evidently, my understanding hadn't inproved to excepted standards as far as Mr. Rowe was concerned. I'll never, I say again, forget the day I was walking into Taylor Gym where drawing classes were held and across the room our eyes met. He looked at me and said, "VOLUME!"
Thats it. "Volume",he said.