Searching for info about Phu Bai 1968 8th RRFS
Eddie Cantrell Phu Bai 1968 8th RRFS
Eddie Cantrell

From: "P. Murphy Law" <v2v2@swbell> (NEW!)
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:02:00 -0500

I hope someone out there might be able to help me. I am an attorney and friend of Eddie Cantrell who served with ASA at Phi Bui in 64-65. Eddie has been trying for SC benefits since l994, PTSD, heart etc. As to be expected the VA contends you guys were not subjected to any stressors, ignoring Cohen, m-2l, etc. Eddie remembers an Austrailan instructed him with rifles when there. One day, he drove away in Jeep, was blown up by land mine. VA won't assist in getting name. Does any one remember this? Also, Eddie remembers a marine wandered between the fences surrounding the ASA building, stepped on a mine, and he helped get him off the field, minus a leg. My counter to VA was if ASA guys were not in danger why was building surrounded by barbed wire and mines. Does any one remember this and details? Eddie deserves some help.

Thanks for your efforts.

Polly Murphy

THIS JUST IN: 04-09-2001 From Polly Murphy:

Curt, I want to thank you for your help on behalf of Eddie Cantrell with ASA in Vietnam. Due to your posting of information on the ASA website, many people answered and I used this info to prove stressors. We had BVA hearing in January, I hope for the best. If I can assist any of your folks with info I would be happy to do so. I have done 3000 SSA cases, and VA cases the last 2 years. I would be happy to answer question by email, if I can, but will post disclaimer as I am not doing this as attorney of record or for any fee, but simply to help, and therefore, do not want to anticipate any lawsuits! Again, thanks all of you for your concern for your fellow vet.


Polly Murphy

PS... By the way I have a new email, v2v2@swbell.