3rdRRU Patch /8th RRFS
At 05:33 PM 4/29/00 -0400, Gerald Dewald wrote: That was a unit crest that we had made up. The Vietnamese toilet was the symbol of the conditions we lived in. The broken axel signified the limit of our mobility of the Detachment. We were designated as Det J Mobile. Our M292 vans remember them. The people that sent them to us from Ft. Bragg later said that they had to tow them to the port to ship them to us. Needless to say it took us a few month to get them in running condition when we received them at Danang.

When we moved from Danang to Phu Bai it was determined that we could not drive them over the mountain to Phu Bai so the USAF arrived with C-124's to fly them over the mountain to Phu Bai. Did anyone ever try to fit an M-292 van into a C-124 cargo door? We finally made it by letting the air out of the tires on the vans and got them on board. The term "KHONG BIET" [ "Dont know/understand" ] signified a common phrase used by the members of Det J 3rd RRU.

This is just a few comments I have that pertain to the Crest. I Hope everyone enjoys it when they get a chance to lay their eye balls on it.

Cu guys and gals later . . Gerry