Guard Duty on one of the Star Bunkers, This guys name is Frank Frank.
There it is... "Resurrection City", the home of "A" CO (O5H), the mine field to the left and Hill180 in the background.
These are (were) the new barracks that we moved into around May-72.
The 8th got a couple of "gun trucks" for defense in '72. Remember that at this time, there were no American units north of us...just the NVA.
A USO show with Miss America (3rd from left) at the 8th. This stage is to the rear of the EM club. The girl in front row right is Miss Louisiana.
[[ I'm sporting a tremendous woodie for Miss Lousiana! ]]
After one of the NVA raids on the ammo dump, it was still burning the next day.
'No Mans Land" at the base. The 101st had just moved out and everything you see here is empty. Later, everything was bulldozed clean and a guard gate was put up where I was standing (after they cleared the mines!). This is looking north and on guard duty we could see 122's coming from the valley in the background. The Air Force did 2 ArcLights on the hill to the left in the background while I was here.
[[ Just another Star Bunker, hardly worth clicking on...really.
I've got more pictures of Star Bunkers on this site than you can shake a stick at. ]]
The new mess hall. Another reason for this picture; you can see everyone carrying their weapon. We had to carry the M-16 everywhere, even to our bunks. This was right after the Easter Offensive in '72. The New Barracks would have been behind the photographer.