Here are a few more pics taken at FSB Rendezvous early in 1970. Rendezvous was the Forward HQ for the 3rd Brigade 101st Division in support of operations in the A Shau Valley. The firebase was located slightly above the valley and the lower chopper pad was directly on the floor of the valley. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was somewhere between FSB Berchtesgaden and Dong Ap Bia.

We passed Through Rendezvous on our way to and from FSB Erskine and I only spent one or two nights at Rendezvous before the ASA team was recalled.

TOC FSB Rendezvous.

Convoy on the floor of the A Shau Valley approaching the Firebase.

Cobras staged on the lower chopper pad. At night all the choppers were pulled back to Camp Eagle.

APC position just above the valley floor.

Celebrating the last day. If anyone can identify this guy, please e-mail me the name. We were both at Berchtesgaden in May of 1969 but I can not remember his name and would like to get in touch with him.