We had luxurious quarters in the motor pool parking area. We were sent there TDY [from Camp Eagle] in early April 1968, and that is when the picture was made. I was only there about a month that time, and did a 90 day TDY with the 1st RRC (Crazy Cat) before returning to complete my tour at Phu Bai from August to November.

The id's are (left to right) William Bruck, Michael Hagstad, John Purgason, all Vietnamese lingies.
This picture shows what Purgason was doing in the picture he sent.
[ Why, they're playing poker and drinking beer, how odd! ]

Stacking sandbags around our three tents which were located at the motor pool.
I don't recall the name of the guy on the left. The one with his back to the camera is Steve Pratt.

The 3rd Marine Division as seen from the 8th in 1968.

Beautiful Phu Bai International.
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