THE USAF ATLAS INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILE (SM-65) The USAF ATLAS Intercomtinental Ballistic Missile (SM-65) has a speed in excess of 15,000 nautical miles per hour. It weighs 195,000 pounds when loaded for launching. It is 80 feet long and has a diameter of 9 feet. Manufactured by Convair division of General Dynamics and Powered by North American liquid rocket engines. The first sucessuful flight using both boosters and sustainer engines took place in August 1958. The first ATLAS squadron is scheduled to become operational at Vanenberg Air Force Base, California, in 1959. This is No. 13 of the new 1959 series of twenty-four cards illustrating and describing a different weapon or piece of equipment in the NABISCO Shredded Wheat "Defenders of America" series. Each of these cards is a full detailed reproduction of an official United States Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Photograph. One of these official photograph reproductions is packed in each package of NABISCO Shredded Wheat. Get the entire set by eating NABISCO Shredded Wheat regularly and trading wih your friends.