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"Major Hedrick just after he was thrown in a bathtub full of ice cold water and beer"

"Me interviewing Major Hedrick (Ops Off) for the Crabgrass Publishing Co. at the PARD section party in June" Phu Bai 1970

"Nick 'Jake' Jacobson as he comes out of the bathtub where we kept our beer. It was full of ice and cold as ---. Believe me, I went in too!" Phu Bai 1970

" 'Mamasan', along with Jerry Gilson and Bob Swanda "

"Arp Torma, Tom Gleason, Ken Kieke (the Goofy Gobbler), and Steve Flister (back). Phu Bai Ball Field" Phu Bai 1970
[ If these guys aren't smoking a joint then my name ain't, "Da Toe"! ]

" 'Mamasan', along with Jerry Gilson and Bob Swanda"
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