The 8th RRFS Guestbook
A text version for easy acqiusition by ASA historians looking for database fodder.
Some slight editorial work has been performed on the text to make the Marine entries
read more like the Kings English.

Saturday 10/04/1997 4:00:00pm through Saturday 05/25/2002 12:19:10am


Saturday 05/25/2002 12:19:10am Name: stoney burke E-Mail: Location: Ira,Texas 79527 Comments: 058 - swings - '67/'68 - mortar crew -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 05/23/2002 11:42:37am Name: Terry Stanfill E-Mail: Location: Fort Collins, CO Comments: Need to add one comment to my entry yesterday. There were a couple of dits (O5H's) that worked on Explorer with us. One was Sp4 or Sp5 Crutchfield or something like that came from south of L.A. area. Memory is getting pretty vague now that so many years have passed. He was the only one I remember now. If anyone else has input, jump in. Wednesday 05/22/2002 7:05:34pm Name: Terry Stanfill E-Mail: Location: Fort Collins, CO Comments: Hi Wendy. I worked with your brother, Gary, on the Explorer Project at Phu Bai from January, 1972 until approximately June 1, 1972 when we transferred to the 7th RRFS at Udorn, Thailand. A small group of us, all N. Viet linguists, had trained at NSA for this project and then deployed to the 8th RRFS at Phu Bai shortly before Xmas, 1971. It took a few weeks for the sophisticated radio eqmt to arrive at Phu Bai, but was eventually operational sometime during late January of 1972. We pulled various intercept assignments waiting for the project to start, and it was at that time that I met your brother, Gary. He was one of a couple of fellas setting up the equipment in a special area of the Ops compound at Phu Bai. The main receiving equipment was located at Phu Bai, but the antennas for the project were located on a series of advance firebases up next to the DMZ. The antennas picked up the signals and were transmitted 50km back to Phu Bai via live, encryted link. The equipment was new, advanced technology at that time and required a LOT of tweaking and TLC, especially from Gary to keep it working and on-line. Everyday, Gary changed the encryption codes on the eqmt and sometimes it continued to work and sometimes not. He was highly committed to fixing any problems, and if he couldn't fix it on our end (at Phu Bai), then it would require him taking a chopper out to the antennas to fix whatever problem right at the antenna location. Over the course of the several weeks we worked together, he was out at the antennas one or two days every week, sometimes requiring an overnight stay if the chopper couldn't get back to pick him up before nightfall or bad weather. There were just 4 or 5 of us linguists (Roger Shea, Bill Hueblein, Freddie Lee), and a couple of ARVN (S. Viet Army) intercept operators, and Gary and another tech I didn't know very well that mostly worked at the forward antenna bases, that worked on Explorer. Whenever Gary needed to go out to the antennas, he would almost always invite us along and occasionally one of us would go just for grins if we could get away. It was during this period of time that the N. Viet Army decided to mount a large offensive push into S. Vietnam, and they started by attacking some of the northern firebases along the DMZ. As luck would have it, Gary was out there at FB Sarge on the day it was attacked, doing his regular routine of fine tuning our equipment just so we could get a good signal. It wasn't uncommon to frequently take incoming rounds at Phu Bai or on the firebases, but up to this point it had only been a few rounds at a time meant mostly as harassment. Then, things became much different. I had gone through training for over two years with my fellow linguists, but didn't meet Gary until we worked together on Explorer, as his training background was much different than mine. Maybe some other tech guys might have spent more time with him during his training? I always remember Gary having a calm patience with the eqmt when we wanted to take a baseball bat and beat it into working properly. He would have something cheerful to say when we were just cussing the eqmt. The dedicated work your brother did allowed our mission to be successful and resulted in intercepts that undoubtedly saved some American lives. On at least two occasions that I know of, the information was critical, and was communicated to the highest level of the chain of command. A short time after the attack at FB Sarge, Explorer was abandoned in Vietnam as the forward antenna bases could no longer be maintained, and the NVA continued to threaten the larger bases in I Corps during replacement of American soldiers with S Vietnamese soldiers, a process referred to as, "Vietnamization." For the short time I knew your brother, I enjoyed working with him very much. I'm sure you must be very proud of him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/20/2002 4:57:16pm Name: Wendy Westcott Menes E-Mail: Location: Reno, NV Comments: My big brother, Gary Patrick Westcott died 3-30-72 at Firebase Sarge, Hill 550, in the Quang Tri Province, So. Vietnam. I had no idea his name was still being mentioned and that he is on the internet 30 years after his death. Anyone out there know him? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 05/18/2002 9:13:59pm Name: Ron Coleman E-Mail: Location: Ford City, Pa Comments: Looking for an old ASA buddy Lloyd Munekata. He was a 32G20 (Crypto Mech) at the 8RRFS @68-69. Lived in Kailua, Hawaii. Anybody ever seen or heard of him? Would like to find him. He was also at Kagnew Station -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 05/17/2002 10:41:34pm Name: Pete Prokopovitz E-Mail: Location: Green Bay ,Wi. Comments: Was stationed at Phu Bai from apr. 67 to apr. 68 and jan 69 to jan. 70 O5H20 and finally got into the Mars station half way through 2nd tour. Worked days on first tour.Remember tet of 68 and spending time in HUE at MACV compound. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/13/2002 11:48:48am Name: Jim Miller E-Mail: or Location: Hammond, OR Comments: I was a field radio repairman at Phu Bai in 1972. Some of the people who were there at the same time were Jim Oldfield and Terry Hine Joe Upchurch. I was there from January to November. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 05/10/2002 1:02:42pm Name: Dave Horton E-Mail: Location: San Antonio, Texas Comments: Was at 8th RRFS from Jan.72 until the station closed in Oct.72 when it was turned over to the ARVN. Was assigned to the MP platoon and part time with the mortar squad. Spent the last couple of months in Vietnam at Camp Davis, 509th Group,Saigon, left in Dec 72. Was also stationed with ASA at TUSLOG Det 4, Sinop, Turkey from Nov 70 to Dec 71. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 05/07/2002 9:10:31pm Name: Ron A. Schmidt E-Mail: Location: Minneapolis MN Comments: Arrived march of 67 with a batch of o5D's the headshed did not know what to do with. I remember working in OPS when the 1967 mideast war broke out. Was at Phu Bi only 3 months and then shipped down to 335th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 05/01/2002 2:25:15pm Name: Joe Re E-Mail: SECRET SAVIN@PHUBAI.COM Location: ARDF HEAVEN Comments: check on this page an ASA survivalist. give me a fucking brake!!! check on Ron's assignments!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 05/01/2002 9:18:51am Name: GENE GOLDENSTEIN E-Mail: Location: DURHAM, N.C. Comments: I was at Phubai 11/67-12/68 and Udorn 1/70-1/71. Have spoken to the following: Phubai: gunny boggs. Richard holthausen, rush miller, Tom Karvasales , Bill Fiorentino etc. Udorn: Jay wall , Clay toguchi, Bill Fiorentino, etc. Gene(Goldie) Goldenstein Friday 04/26/2002 4:56:02pm Name: Terence (Terry) J. L. McGuire E-Mail: Location: Comments: Allen Avritt is/was a member of the 8th forum. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/26/2002 2:58:33pm Name: Ellis (Rocky) Bridges E-Mail: Location: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Comments: I was stationed at the 8th RRFS from Oct. 66 until Aug 69. I spent some time with the 1st Cav. at Camp Evans. The only person I've had contact with from those days, is Allen Avritt, Dodge City, KS. I haven't heard from him in years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 04/25/2002 10:55:04pm Name: Tom Zalabak E-Mail: Location: Chicago Comments: I made an entry the other day...saw it up on the site and now it's gone. Must have been fragged by some commie bastard so I'll log in to this great site again and see if it sticks. I was at the 8th as a 98C by day and a "power and light" guy by night in '71/'72 (returned home just a touch over 30 years ago - April 15...I mean 15 APR 72. There's a black and white photo of the mortar team on this site (Rich Bort, Ramsey,Barna, etc)... I remember them all. We were in the same mortar platoon but different teams. Our nco was Ted Searcey but I haven't seen his name come up in any mortar guy quickly we forget! Anybody ever hear from Jim Brown (Buffalo, NY)Jim Colleran (LaCrosse, WI), Ken Berry (Lancaster,PA),Mark Freeman (Salt Lake City)? Maybe somebody can tell me whatever happened to the 8th after April '72. I can never find anything about even PhuBai in books, much less Trai Bac. (I guess we didn't kill enough water buffalo.) Enough rambling. I hope this entry sticks and somebody remembers me. I'd love to here from somebody! PhuBai's all right! (Not Chicago, but all right.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 04/25/2002 12:08:45am Name: Richard (Dick) Farson E-Mail: Location: Westminster, MD Comments: Phu Bai Feb'70 til Dec.'70 B-row. I was an 05h20 and a member of the Sector Reaction Force (SRF) - got me out of guard duty! One night the sirens went off so all the SRF'ers grabbed their gear an headed towards the trucks. Ken Riley from Man W.Va. was in front of me as we ran down the B-row corridor. I noticed that his canteen was foaming-- he had filled it with beer!!! I said "Riley what's in your canteen?" He replied "Water" as the foam ran down his leg. I was laughing so hard I could hardly run. I worked in Rm. 2 at one of the Navy positions even though I was ASA. I remember Pete Voland, Dick Lutz, Riley, John Davey, Cliff Myles, John Biddle, and many other faces but not too many names. Phu Bai is all right!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/24/2002 2:17:25pm Name: Richard (Rick) Douglas E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Arizona Comments: Correction to earlier signing. CO, Company A 71-72 Just found this site on a surf. Have no idea what prompted me to make a search for 8th RRFS. Must admit it brought back memories of all sorts. Would enjoy hearing from anyone stationed in Phu Bai during 71-72 time period. (The period when the 101st left, making us the northernmost US troops, and new two story white barracks replaced the trailers.) Has anyone heard anything from 1SG Roger Beattie or COL Powers. All I know is Beattie was assigned back to Ft Bragg after leaving Phu Bai. Saw him a couple of times as I also went back to Ft Bragg when I left Phu Bai. Spent 8/9 months there and separated. Last heard from Powers when he was stationed at Ft Leavenworth. Currently living in Arizona and enjoy every day. As previously stated would enjoy hearing from anyone, especialy anyone in Alpha Company when I was there. Name: Lou Spiegel E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Clearwater, Florida via Baltimore Comments: Just an update to show the change in my e-mail address. I may also be reached at my work e-mail address, I was an O5H20F3, stationed as follows: 8th RRFS '68-'69 3rd ASAFS '69-'70 138th Avn Co (RR) '70-'71 I am in contact with 11 former ASA'ers and am still looking for George Picard, Bob Higgins, Irv Chun, Bob Whitmire, EZ Jack Tishner, Steve Schanuel, and Chuck Burleson. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 04/21/2002 11:43:38pm Name: Tom Zalabak E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Chicago Comments: Just noticed I missed a dot on my email address...should be I don't pay that much attention to the dots, I was a 98C not an O5H! Sunday 04/14/2002 1:20:55pm Name: Charles Van Horn E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: New Jersey Comments: Served Aug69 thru Jun 70 in the 8th Power and Light Co. better known as the Mortar Platoon. Was a platoon leader in the Mortars and just dug out a picture with the guys with me. Anyone know Carl Eaton, Bob Slack, Tony Bryson, Bernie Richards, SGT Groce, or Will Miles. I was know as the Bear. I noticed my previous entry had the names wrong.....I guess over 30 years can do that. These are definitly the right names. Remember many a night with the mortars where we would sit atop the command bunker and watch the gunships pissing red around Hill 180. This is a great site and will check in regularly. Anyone and everyone feel free to contact. Thanks Chas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/10/2002 9:10:42pm Name: James Dow E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: E-Mail Location: Maine Comments: 98C with DETJ,3RD RRU, JUN-63,JAN64 DAVIS STATION JAN64-JUL64, NICE TO SEE THAT PHU BAI IS REMEMBER BY SO MANY Jim Dow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 03/31/2002 6:36:40am Name: Ronald Burkette E-Mail: Burkette7@aol,com Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Georgetown, South Carolina Comments: Found your site by accident. I am glad I did. I was in Phu Bai 1968-69 as an 05H.Pulled up the pictures and some of my memory came back. After all it has been 30+ years. Remember Daniel Tennison (Ala.), Wayne Bovee(sp), short bald headed guy with a little gut,After seening Danny Owen's picture, I remembered him. David Haskell,Seagraves,Jerry Funderburke(did not Jerry until I was sent to Hakata in 1970-71 from Vint Hill Farms--69-70). Who was the guy who got hit in front of the MP shack in 69? If I can recall his last name was Kennedy. Was told he was sent to Walter Reed. Does anyone remember Johnny Bunch and Paige Sawyer? Both are hometown friends of mine. I think Johnny was there in 70 and Paige in 71. If you remember Johnny being crazy and a little off his rocker, he still is. How about all the roast beef that was served--green cool-aid aka watered down jello. Worked days over there (12 hour shifts) Never did get to use the back gate fo get the px. Had to take the long tour through the front gate. Good site! Keep up the good work. Ron Burkette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 03/27/2002 0:20:07am Name: Bill Fiorentino E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Clearwater, Fl (orig NY) Comments: Just found this site, brings back loads of memories. Was at the 8th from Jun 68 to Jan 70 and had the PAR on the night train (4pm - 4am). Some of you may remember me giving the daily 5pm briefings in the ops building - we tried to keep it light by impersonating news commentators. Hi to the crew if any of you are out there and I formally apologize for not giving you all the facts about the special ops requests (contact me and I'll be happy to fill in the missing pieces). Anyone remember "BAXTER" our codename for our favorite WO. If anyone knows the whereabouts of WO Ray Massey or WO Lovett, please give me a shout. Monday 03/25/2002 6:47:39pm Name: Dick Brooks E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Calif Comments: Was at Det j in '64, Got to send the message down to Saigon that maddox and Turner Joy would be fired upon. Learned to drink scotch when we ran out of everything else. What memories, the "Green Door" in hue, the nutties baptising each other in the bingo ditch, bribing the kitchen help for ice cream and watching Pinochio the night before an IG inspection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/22/2002 3:49:18pm Name: chivas88us E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Pennsylvania Comments: Looking for ANYONE who knew Sherwin P. Bostick...little dude maybe 5'6", slim build. He was with the 8th at Phu Bai through 1972...not sure of his job at that time .... his MOS was 94B (Cook). Any information about him is most appreciated. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 03/21/2002 11:07:32pm Name: John Boothby E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Las Vegas, NV Comments: OOPS! I noticed an error in my last letter. I was in Phu Bai from APril 1968 through Aug 1968 not 1967. Sorry!! All other dates were correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/18/2002 9:28:16pm Name: Howard L. Hansen E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: San Jose, CA Comments: I was at the 8th RRFS from 8/71 to 8/72. Spec-5 Linguist 04B2LVS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/18/2002 9:25:28pm Name: John Benson E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Comments: I was a ditty chaser with USMC and did a 6 month tdy trip to Phu Bai from Hawaii during 1964. Stayed in the "french barracks". I remember the club, the trenches, the ice machines, and drinking beer at the phu bai airport. I hated to go back to the marine corps after that 6 months of army life. Nice site. Saturday 03/16/2002 7:28:59pm Name: John Boothby E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Las Vegas, NV Comments: I just descovered this site a couple of days ago, and have been exploring it and other ASA links. Brings back so many memories. I graduated as an 05H20 (ditty bopper)from the Ft. Devens school on February 15, 1966 and from the Tactical Training Course on Feb 25, 1966. My class consisted of around 34 or 35 students of which 29 were assigned to Vietnam. To my surprise I was assigned to the Philipines. Four other guys went to Germany. Well needless to say, when I arrived at Clark Field in the PI, I was immediately told the station was being closed and that I had to select another station in the pacific area. Not having any great desire to go to Vietnam, I selected Japan, Okinawa and Korea. I got Okinawa, and after 2 months in the beatiful PI I was shipped off to Torii Station. I served 16 months at Torii in A Company 2nd Platoon. After my tour in Okinawa I was rotated back to Vint Hill Farms in October of 1967. While at Vint Hill Farms, I had the privilege of working on a test program at Ft. Meade for which I received a letter of commendation. I had a very active social life at VHFS. We were in D.C. or Georgetown almost every night. I remember one night it snowed and they closed the station except to those who lived off post. Well, a little snow or closing the station never stopped us and slipped out the back gate. Great weekend! I met my future wife while there. Well, all good things must end, so in keeping with this, myself and around 40 others were shipped off to good o'le Nam in April of 1967. I was married on April 9th (still married to the same girl) and shipped 11 days later. We were told that we were the first plane to land at Tan Son Nhat in the dark after the Tet offensive. I believe it. We attempted one landing but had to abort and go around. We could see flares all over the city. After a successful second attempt, the pilot told us that there were incomming on 3 sides of the airport and he had been instructed to go around. We spent about a week at tbe "beautiful" St. Georges Hotel in Saigon. I remember having to pay .25 cents a day for something (laundry, I think). After a week we were shipped off to Bien Hoa for a couple of days before a C-130 flight to Da Nang. We had to sit on the floor of the plane holding on to straps. The plane also carried some locals and their livestock. I remember having to spend our first night in Da Nang sleeping on flattened cardboard boxes outside in the mud because they didn't have room for us in the barracks. We spent about a week in Da Nang waiting for our personnel files to catch up with us. With nothing to do we spent a lot of time in the club. They eventually tired of us and shipped us up to Phu Bai, without our records. I remember the first night at the 8th RRFS vividly. We were told that intelligence had picked up information that indicated the area was going to be hit and they wanted a minimum one-third of the troops to spend the night in the trenches. Having not been assigned to a platoon, myself and one of my buddies Wes Bailey, decided to oblige. It was possibly the most peaseful night I spent at the 8th. The next night nothing was said, so we slept in the trailer. Well, about 1am or 2am thuuummmp, thuuuuummmmp, whiiirrrrrr (siren). You know what they say about knowing incoming from outgoing? Well, when the first one hit there was no question whether it was incoming or friendly, we hit the deck and ran for the trenches. After this, we decided that they really did not know what was going to happen, so Wes and I spent the next 3 nights in the star bunkers until we finally said to hell with it and went back to sleeping in the trailers. We finally got assigned and I worked days. I would have rather worked nights because we were always awakened in the middle of the night by rockets, etc. The club was closed when I first arrived, but opened up sometime later. At first it was opened until 7pm then I think 9pm then closed down again after things heated up a bit. Things I remember: Liars dice and Salty Dogs in the club; room parties after the club closed; the lousy food (dried eggs, dried milk and cold cuts). I remember having steaks for a while and the rumor was that they needed room in the meat locker at the airport for KIA's from a big push in the A-Shau Valley. Rocket attacks in the middle of the night. One night all hell broke loose, I think it was when the ammo dump exploded the second time or one of the nearby units got hit. I can't remember except that I watched it from the trench and it was close and very scary. Firefights and gunships in the valley toward hill 180. The night RVNS got overrun down the road. Guard duty in the bunkers; flares at night, especially the flares. Cold showers (lucky we had showers at all); no ac. The night our trailer got hit by a rocket that exploded underneath it and destroyed a couple of rooms. I remember going back from the trenches and looking down the hallway at the bulging walls. We opened the door and there was a big hole where the floor used to be. The guys that occupied the room were pissed that their stereo equipement got destroyed! I remember some guy having a bad day and climbing on top of one of the trailers with his M-14. The MP's got him down without incident; I remember hearing of an MP getting wacked at the main gate, but can't remember if it happened while I was there or not. The end came for me one August day. It happened to be the one day I had off that month. I was sleeping and it was around 9am when the company clerk came and woke me up. He told me that the CO wanted to see me. I dressed and went over to the HQ where the CO and chaplain were waiting for me. The CO told me that my father had had a heart attack (he was in the hospital) and asked if I wanted to take emergency leave and go home for 30 days. Needless to say, I was on a C-130 within an hour or so (sitting next to a hooded VC POW) on my way to Da Nang. By 1pm I was on a C-141 medi-vac with 30 or 40 survivors and 42 caskets (all unidentified) on my way to Japan and Travis. We were shadowed by a couple of Chinese Migs through the Taiwan Strait. Tokyo was fogged in so we had to land at a fighter base in norther Japan to refuel. Being a fighter base, they could not handle the larger aircraft (so they said) and had to bring in a fuel truck from somewhere else. We had to spend an extra day there. I remember landing at Travis and watching as they unloaded the caskets with a forklift. No flags, no honor guard, no nothing. This still bothers me. When I arrived at Travis I was still in my jungle fatigues. I had to get a set of new khakis at the Oakland Army Depot. To make a long story short, my dad recovered and lived another 17 years. I never did go back to finish my tour. My father could not run his business with his disability, so I applied for a hardship discharge. Due to my sudden departure from Nam, all my belongings were left over there. I wrote a letter requesting the return of my things, but when I received them a lot was missing. I would have given everything I had over there just to have my photos. I only have 2 photos that I had sent home. I am posting these on this website because I believe every little bit helps. This is why I am so excited about this website. These are the first photos that I have seen from over there as I remember it and I hope that others will post pictures in the future. There has got to be more of us out there that have not found this site yet. Some of the names I remember (from all stations that I served at): Wes Bailey, D.C.; Bernie Zimmer, Wash State (drove a TR-4); Fred ? (had a new Mustang); Rueben from Texas; S/SGT Stokes; SFC Altman; SP5 Kindred; D. A. Hutter; J. B. Biedwell; Tom Patrick; Andy Johnson and a guy with the last name of Cameron from PA. It's sad that after all these years, these are the only names I remember. I can see many faces, just cannot remember the names. I worked at my father's business for one year, then he sold out and retired. I went on to earn a Commercial single/multiengine pilots license and instrument rating and aircraft mechanics license. I worked until 1977 for Hughes Aviation in Las Vegas as a field rep covering the southwestern states. In 1977 I went to work for Clark County, NV and will retire in a couple of years. I apologize for rambling on, but finding this site was like finding an old friend. For all the bad memories there are many good ones. If anyone wants to contact me, my e-mail is: ASA All the way! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/15/2002 8:55:20pm Name: Bonnie E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Boynton Beach, FL Comments: Just making the rounds of ASA websites. Did you know there are now about 400 ASA related websites out there? My husband, Dick Cooper, is a 8th RRFS vet. I found some of his pictures the other day and will try to get them scanned and submitted. Visit NASAA at to learn about YOUR National ASA Association -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 03/12/2002 6:38:27pm Name: Mike Schneider E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Tucson, Arizona Comments: I arrived at the 8th in early December of 1971 and departed in May of 1972 on a refugee flight escorting the children of the Commander of the 1st ARVN Division back to Saigon. Served as Ops Officer for the six months I was there after serving six months as Exec to the J2 in Saigon. Dicey times. I remember the April 1 Invasion across the DMZ and us being surrounded for a while; the infamous visit of General Westmoreland and the inevitable fallout. Not a great time for the nation or the Army, but we persevered. Still have a piece of 155mm (?) rocket that hit the antenna field one night. Remember a few names: Hank Scarengela, the assistant Opso; Lew Powers, the commander; Zotcavage (can't remember first name), the deputy commander; Barry Ross the S-4. Remember a lot of other faces but not names right now. Will try to scare up some pictures from that era. Enjoyed reading the 71, 72 comments and seeing pictures from days of yore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/11/2002 8:47:23pm Name: George C Scott E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Lexington Ky Comments: I was S1 of the 509th RR Gp from Oct 68 to Oct 69. I visited the 8th many times just about bought the farm on final into the landing strip one early morning This is great to find the site Best to all George C Scott 509th RRGp 68 and 69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 03/10/2002 7:38:33pm Name: Grady Lovin E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: North Carolina Comments: I was at Phu Bai & Da Nang 72-73, Left there and went to Avn & EW Company at Ft Bliss. Later went to Ft Bragg and Torii Station Okinawa. People I remember from Viet Nam are Joe Pilzak, Bob Schneider, Bill Shoemate, Gene Forker, Harry Bryant. I talked to Joe Pilzak a few years ago and learned that he stayed in the Army and retired near Ft Bragg. Would like to hear from anyone that might remember me from those days. Sunday 03/10/2002 3:54:45pm Name: J Wags E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Looking for David S Park with the 8th in 72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/08/2002 2:20:00pm Name: Jim Hansen E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Cleveland, Ohio Comments: I was pleasantly surprised to find this site! I believe I was there during 1970, was a 98B (cryptanalyst) 2L27 (french linguist), lived in the trailers with some 05H's, did some things in the craft shop, with ETS from Ft.Meade. I can't remember many names, but knew John Love (craft shop), John Alden (?) also a 98B who helped me take leave to Bangkok. There was a Vietnamese linguist with a Law Degree from Philadelphia - and I ran into him in Philadelphia when I was working there about 1974. John Love and I went to church together along with a Captain and several other 8thRRFS people. Photos brought back some nice memories. I do remember a rocket attack, participated in the SRF, worked the night shift, and there were a couple of incidents that are far back in my mind: someone got a weapon and either shot someone or threatened to do so; and a new officer tried to make the 05H's get their hair cut, boots shined, fatigues starched, etc. and they went ...nil heard... until he was replaced? I used to occasionally play tennis with SFC Tenant. My Dad was with the 10th Mountain Division during WWII and I was looking up some Web information on his unit, when I thought about the 8th RRFS. I will return and visit some more. I know my wife and children will be interested. Thanks to everyone for their contributions. Welcome Home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 03/07/2002 11:14:30pm Name: THOMAS KELLY E-Mail: TKELLY9522@AOL.COM Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: WINNFIELD, LA. 71483 Comments: GREAT SITE:I WAS WITH THE 8thRRFS IN PHU BAI FROM FEB.71-MAY 71, I WORKED IN THE ARMS ROOM. FROM MAY 71 -72 I WAS IN QUANG TRI WITH THE 407thRRD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 03/06/2002 9:45:16pm Name: steve devine E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: pacifica, california Comments: Trying to locate Harvey Juergen, 056, 1965-1966. E-6 at the time. Was at 6th field Sta 64-65.I think he went to Japan after leaving Phu Bai. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/02/2002 10:26:43pm Name: Jim Princehorn E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Rochester, New York Comments: I used to stop by every once in a while, but it has been some time now. Was at Phu Bai and environs from 01/71 to 02/72. Keep up the good work!! JBP Saturday 03/02/2002 6:50:23pm Name: Steve (scooter)Harding E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: phu bai, the 8th 3/68-3/69 Comments: Hi, I have forgotten so much that it is frightening......good to see artie sellers and Willie gleason again feel I know some of the people in these pics but not too many....have some of my own which I will try and get on here this spring.....if anyone remembers me drop me a line ....if there is anyone out there who was in language school in el paso, tx .....the O2vn era please drop me a line....I was a vietnamese lingy but worked out of my mos in phu bai.....long story.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/01/2002 0:45:51am Name: Richard Elliott E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Indianapolis, IN Comments: Visited 8th RR several times, just passin' thru...with B-2/1 Inf. spring of '72. Trucked thru your place goin' and comin' from the pad and the Task Force hooches... was with 3rd Plt B-2/1 on last day in-country of their beloved L.T. - Lt. Fouche (sp?) In celebration of his return to the world, his platoon popped smoke (lots and lots of smoke!) Saw a goofy grape make a dead hit on the swimming pool...neat. Sorry 'bout the smell....L.T. had to pay a statement of charges for all the smoke canisters Battalion Sergeant Major could locate....believe Smage found "8"..(grin)....Neat website, wondered what you guys did in those I know. Take care. Rick Elliott A-3/82 Arty (FO B-2/1 Inf) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/23/2002 2:11:23am Name: ROD PATTERSON E-Mail: CIVILWARNUT31@AOL.COM Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ Comments: WAS FRIENDS AT DEVENS WITH RICK FERRUGGIA, KILLED AT PHU BAI. NAMED MY SON AFTER HIM BUT DON'T HAVE ANY PHOTOS. CAN ANYBODY OUT THERE HELP ME OUT? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/21/2002 9:44:42pm Name: Randy White E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: U.P. Michigan Comments: Just wondering if you guys also ran the MARS station up at Eagle?? I think I remember your compound....weren't you guys located close to a snack/hamburger shop that had REAL milk shakes?...the only good one at Phu Bai in 1970. RW L Co 1970 RVN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 02/19/2002 8:41:08pm Name: Greg Lynch E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: The 7th CLSU - Phu Bai Comments: We were your neighbors on the other side of the minefield. Great site with great pictures. Saturday 02/16/2002 4:28:04pm Name: Mike Bohr E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Austin, TX Comments: 98C2L89 Sept 69--Sept 70, Hooches, then C-row, E4-E5-E-4, spent last 2mo building bunkers. DLI-EC (Lingala) 66-67, Devens 67-68, Berlin (Site 2) 68-69. Good site--enjoyed pix, but think you only got Fluffy's baby bro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/16/2002 10:44:12am Name: JOHN A MOSSER E-Mail: cwo3mosser/ Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: 8th RRFS PHU BAI Comments: CWO3,IN CHARGE OF THE REPORTING AND ANALYSIS SECTION JAN70-JAN71. EXPLORER AND ROADRUNNER I& II. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/13/2002 9:50:03pm Name: Jim Rogers E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Friend Location: Hobbs NM Comments: I remember TET 68, lots of 122 mm rockets. Everything I owned having a red dirt stain. I remember typing hundreds of sitreps (72B20D1 comm center tape ape) I really liked my time with the 265th RRC better than the 8th even though the living conditions were worse. But I remember the All night pinocle games in the trailers and the people at the 8th were great. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/13/2002 6:37:53pm Name: David Meyers E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Tampa Florida Comments: Nice site, one of the Rat Pack (72B) all of 1971. 30 years, know wonder I can't remember all these names... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Michael G. Hughes E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Pasadena, Texas Comments: Was 05H20 from ft. devens to Phu-bai oct 71 to about Apr 72. Lived in old trailers at first than to moved to new barracks. Than to Udorn till Oct 72, than to Ft Hook, Tx till set free in Oct 73. 50 Years old now. Working for NASA at Johson Space Center, Houston, Texas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/04/2002 8:27:57pm Name: Michael G. Hughes E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Pasadena, Texas Comments: 50 Years old Working for NASA at Johson Space Center, Houston, Texas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/24/2002 11:01:23pm Name: Jim Backenstose E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Gaylord, Michigan Comments: Hello to any 509th MP's 71-73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 01/18/2002 2:23:22am Name: Alan Sroufe E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: 8th RRFS Comments: At 8th RRFS from JN 69-70. Worked in van outside as 33d20 and little bit of 33b20. It has been a long time but still remember. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/17/2002 0:15:22am Name: Andy Henry E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Westland, Michigan Comments: O5H at the 8th from Jan 67 to Sept 67. I had heard the place was a "country club" compared to the 330th. And you know what? They were right! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 01/16/2002 3:48:20am Name: Dale Wucherpfennig E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Minnesota Comments: 33D at 8th RRFS 69-70. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/06/2002 11:45:56pm Name: JOHN SIZEMORE E-Mail: JOHNSIZE@AOL.COM Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: ASHEVILLE NC Comments: trying to touch bases with tom flack....i have sent several unanswered e-mails but have recd no reply......tom, if you are cking this out pls try to give me another shout and lets catch up on the last 30 or more yrs.....we were in phubai and torri station together .....where is george "the stud" studebaker at....anyone heard from him lately??? come on flack...give me a shout pls....cyabye -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 01/05/2002 10:10:15am Name: Steve Head E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Oak Creek, WI Comments: Just checking in to say HI........ even though probably no one even knows who I am. 32D20 1968-69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 01/04/2002 9:18:49pm Name: BOB BYASSEE E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: was at phu bai 71 72 in okinawa 70 71 and again from 73 till 76 then went to ft. meade for a year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 01/02/2002 9:05:20pm Name: John W Savage E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Independence, KY Comments: Hi Ya'll, Great to see this site! I am an old timer from the 8th (70-72), Looking for some old pards. Looking for anyone there during this time frame. Any one know of "Fish" his where-a-bouts? Retired from the Army after 27 years. Great site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 01/02/2002 8:56:57pm Name: John W Savage E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Independence, KY Comments: Hi Ya'll, Great to see this site! I am an old timer from the 8th (70-72), Looking for some old pards. Retired from the Army after 27 years. Great site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/31/2001 0:08:30am Name: Bruce McIntyre E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Phu Bai is NOT RIGHT Comments: I was a neighbor, across the street, in the MP Unit, Co A, 504th MP Bn. We used to envy you guys because you got the shows, the girls, and all night snack bar. Jan 71-Jan 72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/30/2001 9:55:16am Name: Harold E. Watkins E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Carrollton ga. Comments: 32 year has been a long,long time was just tdy in 70. 4 months was enough. would like to hear from old buds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/28/2001 11:19:54am Name: Jim Finnegan E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: England Comments: In country in '69. Great site, thanks forletting me visit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/21/2001 10:15:52pm Name: Gordy "Go" Hyde E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: On the edge of Seattle Comments: I check out this site occasionally to see if any "nubes" check in. I did 20 months in the low level lingie shop from 8/70 till 3/72. I was fortunate to leave just before Quang Tri bit it. I lived in the trailers, mostly D-24 and E-20. Anybody remember Brian Yelland, Jack Roche, Mark Peeples, Gary Shafer, John Livingston, Steve Morningstar, "Lew" Llewellyn, Charlie Brown, Tom Dabney, "Lucy" Wilusz, others of the same era? Ready to celebrate 30 years out of the "green weenie." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/18/2001 11:40:25pm Name: dave cassell E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: I was in Phu Bia in 1967. Sure would like to hear form some of the guys I served with. I've got some pictures that I would like to post. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/18/2001 5:39:00pm Name: James R. King E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Kinston, N.C. Comments: Hi, I served with the 8th RRFS from June 70 to June 71. I need someone to verify the mortar attack we were under during that time that hit the Marine area, which is where I was walking when it occurred, by the officers club. Do you remember it? I have had to file for PTSD (VAMC Durham doctor diagnosed) disability compensation and have not been able to find anyone who can do any of the below: 1 verify the incident occurred 2 remember casualties 3 the date the incident occurred of possible 4 be willing to send me a letter to include with my application My memory of Vietnam is very poor with a lot of memory lapses, probably due to the TBI, (traumatic brain injury I received a few years ago). Please contact me if you can help or know someone who can. Thanks, James King -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/17/2001 3:50:02pm Name: John Teti E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: E-Mail Location: Tampa FL Comments: GREAT Site. I was at the 8th in '67 as a 31J, mostly days. After reading all the entries and e-mailing thoes I remembered, I got the scanner out along with the several hundred slides. Soon I hope to have the ready. Keep it going.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/10/2001 10:52:36am Name: Michael A. Hammel E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Web Ring Location: Atlanta, GA Comments: Great to see all these people. wish I was young enough to remember them. I was @ 8th RRU (FS) as 0582L68 (05H to the NUGS). The "L68" was Spanish Linguist--Go Figure! I managed a band in the Feb/Mar 66 to 67 time frame call the Upsetters. I hope you remember us!! We also backed the USO troups (and non-USO) that came through. (Remember the Philipina All Girls Band??)That was the thrill of the year. We ran "goodie runs" to Da Nang to bring back the booze we needed to support our life style. The downside of the tour was when we kicked the Marines out of the club for being (god forbid) intoxicated and they turned around and mortared us with tear gas. the upside was our wonderful pool, which I understand was destroyed after we left in March of '67. I wonder who remembers the mural on our wall in the trailers that Tony Duda drew?? Maybe I can scan some of the old pics and have them displayed here! (Hmmmm, somewhere I think there's a picture of Ann Margaret's midsection that someone took with a telephoto lens. that picture was on the ceiling and above everyone's bunk for quite awhile. Ah, the memories. Best to all of you--Mike Hammel I'd love to hear from anyone that remembers those events! Mike -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/09/2001 8:09:50pm Name: Stacy Turner E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Wichita, KS Comments: I've been watching this site for some time and really appreciated the map of the compound. I'd forgotten the exact path from the Marine barracks to the club, the mess hall, etc. It's surprising how much 30 + years will erase. I was with Co L, Mar Supt Bn from Apr 68 to Apr 69. With a little practice I could still hack the ditties. Not much need for that today, though. Due to our barracks' location the only Army people I got close to were the P's. Don't remember many names, except a guy from Houston named Youngblood. Also used to do alot of drinking with Bob Adams. I wonder how many guys passed through Phu Bai? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/07/2001 10:43:54pm Name: Gary J. Guenther E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Maui, Hawaii Comments: 72B - 1968 to 69 Spent 18th birthday on burm guard with Studebaker. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/02/2001 2:02:46pm Name: danny owen E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: west tennessee Comments: Would like to hear from anyone who worked at the EM Club from early 1968 until May of 1969. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/30/2001 10:24:47pm Name: jake bowditch E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: usmc 1965-66 any one out there? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/28/2001 0:42:10am Name: Howard A. Daniel III E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Deltaville, Virginia Comments: I am a retired US Army MSG who used input from your unit(s) in my work at MACV's codeword-level team in the J2's IDHS. I am also a numismatist who collects all financial instruments of Viet Nam and Southeast Asia. One of these instruments are our old wartime club tokens. During my most recent trip to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), 20 kilos of 8th RRU and 8th RRFS club tokens were offered to a coin dealer while I was sitting in his store. After he bought them, I picked out about twenty-five different of them for my collection. Do any of you guys collect these tokens (or MPC) or want to collect them? If so, I can put you in touch with other collectors and dealers. That is it for now. I am very happy to have found your web site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/25/2001 1:41:43pm Name: Jack Jones E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Excelsior, MN Comments: Crypto Mech-Jan'66 till Jan'67. Finally made contact with an old friend from the 8th after 35 years! Casey Wisz, a TTY Mech from Denver (formerly from Chicago) found my info on the site and made contact. Have shared some old stories and photos and its been great catching up with each other. Thanks to this site! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/23/2001 11:58:37am Name: Noelle Mayo E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Dryden NY Comments: Anyone know a Claude Wagner? He was a Marine stationed there and was a crew chief on a huey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/21/2001 2:36:29am Name: Roger Rollins E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Kansas City, KS Comments: Thanks for the great site and the memories. I was a 98C at Phu Bai from June 68-69. Does anyone remember MSgt Quinn, WO Lovett? I have been trying to find information about Jon Rowe, Dale White or Dennis Mehan. If someone knows anything pleae let me know. Thanks again for the connection to the past. Loved the pictures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/20/2001 1:20:01am Name: Jim Lewis E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Martinez, Ga. Comments: Good job mate. Good to see all the pics. It don't seem like 33 yrs. have past. Jim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/20/2001 0:47:35am Name: steve devine E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: pacifica ca Comments: was at 8th rru 5\65 to 5\66 as a ditty bopper. would like to hear from anyone there during the same period. ... -.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/19/2001 11:21:57pm Name: Tom Simpson E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Web Ring Location: 8thrrfs Comments: Phu Bai 05H May67-July68 Herzo base 65-67. Thanks Curt for a good reference site to visit some old friends and experiences. Anyone reading this recognize this slightly older fella, send me an e-mail. I recognized some of you and e-mailed a couple. The others I owed money to...ASA 1st...then the women and children! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/19/2001 1:36:26pm Name: Larry D. McGuire E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: I was a 72B, served at the 8TH RRFS from Sep 68 to June 69. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/18/2001 3:02:26pm Name: Casey Wisz E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Denver, CO - formerly Chicago, IL Comments: JUNE'66-JUNE'67 8th RRFS Comm Center as TTY Repair. Trailered with Pete Wickline (Beaver Falls, PA), Gary Rose (Hastings, Nebraska), Schaffer (?? Texas). Had a few brews with McCartney (Lousiana), Jack Jones (Moose Lake, Minn), 'Pops' Garrett, to name a few . Finished my time in Arlington Hall, VA from June'67-July'69. Many of the pix bring back memories of tasteless food (I guess bugs in your bread does count), a less than desirable climate, good & bad times and a great bunch of ASAers. A few have passed away but I'll always remember them. GREAT SITE!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/18/2001 0:40:10am Name: Gene Ward E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: New Bern NC Comments: Was at the 8th from June of 70 until I went to the 265th in Nov of 70, back home to Vint Hill in June 71. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/06/2001 2:06:17am Name: George (DON) Wilkerson E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Richardson, TX Comments: kiss my ass...there ain't noway that I had any idea the 8th would have a web site......I just figured the world had forgot about the ole ditty boppers.........Aug 66/67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{Well, dip me in shit in call me stinky! )) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/02/2001 8:12:54pm Name: T. Grylls E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Phoenix,New York Comments: I was a cook in the old mess 71 72 What ever happened to all the cooks??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/02/2001 2:20:28pm Name: Lou Spiegel E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Clearwater, Florida via Baltimore Comments: I was an O5H stationed at the 8th from September 1968-September 1969. From there I went to Torii Station, Oninawa. I left Torii Station for the 138th Avn Co (RR) and was there from June 1970 until my ETS in June of 1971. I have found three buddies and am presently looking for: Chuck Burleson, Steve Schanuel, Bob Whittmore, EZ Jack Tishner, Bob Higgins, George Cleveland, George Picard, Irv Chun and anyone else my lost in the 50's mind can not presently recall. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/02/2001 11:26:01am Name: Ralph W. Law E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: New Jersey Comments: was a navy spook in phu bai during 1971 and 1972 on tri bac station. Just lookin through and found this great site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/02/2001 11:09:41am Name: Ralph W. Law E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: tri bac station, phu bai, 1971-72 Comments: us navy spook in phu bai -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/01/2001 10:11:06pm Name: nicholas j. andrews E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: troy, mi Comments: I was with the 62nd Avn Co at Phu-Bai from may 68- may-69. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10/31/2001 8:01:45pm Name: Richard (Dick) Graham E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Seattle, WA Comments: I just found this site today and it was great looking at some of the pictures displayed here. I was at the 8th in 1970-71. My MOS was 05H. I would love to hear from anyone who was there at that time and especially from my trailer friends...Bill Colwell, Jack Bonnefield, Dave Hamilton, Bob Gardia, Bob Granger (Oh, why not!?) Gil Sayler, Mike Emerson and anyone else who might remember me. Sgt Carney, Sgt Graves. Anyone remember Sgt Dangerfield? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 10/28/2001 11:10:05pm Name: Jim Grosso E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Austin,Texas Comments: What a great site. It has let me unload a lot of old baggage! Was at the 8th from Dec 70 to Dec 71. MOS was 98C. Right now I work for the Federal Government. Retired from the Texas Army National Guard in June with 22 years active and reserve time. I am trying to find John Hammack, Gene Walzack, and Donals Q. ???? who roomed with me in the trailers. I wold like to find SFC LeToil(? on spellinf), my NCO at one time. I owe him a thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 10/23/2001 11:31:18am Name: Mike Magill E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Colorado Springs, CO Comments: I was a Vietnamese linguist with USAFSS. Went to language school at NSA in '64-65, and at DaNang from 65-66-67. Have kept in contact with family of Bob Bensberg, a Viet ASA Linguist, who was KIA later in the war after "Bootstrapping" his way into a command position of an infantry unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10/17/2001 10:35:25am Name: Paul D. Sandstrom aka Sandy E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: columbus, ohio Comments: A tape ape (72B) at phu bai may 69-aug70. Names that come to mind-art brunson, jim melvin, slick from cleveland, jim hawkiins, jerry piatt the SEATS poker, Mather from Tenn. Tip and jim sizemore, Jim walentine, Remember the murder in the commcenter trailer, the poor dead guy was nicknamed George since he was a NUG. Anyone remember his real name. Capt. Shave was the CO. Oh the good times at the EM club. Rockets greeted each USO show with western members. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 10/15/2001 10:36:15am Name: Gary Davidson E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: N. Augusta, SC Comments: I am looking for some 31J's or Crypto Mechs or Controllers who were in Phu Bai from sep 70 to 71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/13/2001 7:17:46pm Name: Paul F. Nett E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Web Ring Location: Comments: I went to Phu Bai to visit a friend, Arthur A. Meyers. He was an O5H, me an O5G. Stupid place to go visit, but hell what were they going to do to me SEND ME TO NAM?! I was in the 328th RRC in Chu Lai, then the 101st RRC in Nha Trang (Sep 68 thru Mar 71) Where is Sonny Meyers? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/11/2001 4:55:27pm Name: John Benson E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: I was a marine intercept operator from 1st Radio Bn, Hawaii, stationed at Phu Bai with 8th RRU for 2 6 month tdy tours during 1964 and 1965. I've enjoyed seeing some of the fotos of Phu Bai others have posted. They brought back memories. I especially remember march or april, 1965 when the real marines liberated us. I was in the control tower of the Phu Bai airport in shorts and tshirt drink 33 when they came in by helicopter. That was a piss poor day. We marines had to quit wearing the army jungle fatiques and go back to the hot, heavy marine fatigues. j benson ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 10/09/2001 7:58:33pm Name: Kim Willits E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Sacramento, CA Comments: There are a lot of "NUGs" in the guestbook. I am looking for any of the MPs who came in TDY in the summer of '64. Guys like Jerry Nordorf, Bob Wingate, Joe Gillam and so many others. We thought we were only going to do our 90 days and then they screwed us and let us stay our pro-rated year. I have a bunch of photos of the change from Det J to the 8th. Had a lot of good times that went along with the bad. Wtih the events of the last weeks, I tend to think a lot about the guys I served with in our war of futility. I would like to hear from any of the old MPs or anyone who knows who I am. Kim Willits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 10/09/2001 7:39:44pm Name: ANTHONY TOWNSEND E-Mail: GAT52347@AOL.COM Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: OYSTER BAY NEW YORK Comments: i was with the 8th from march 68 to mar 69.was tty in about my good buds all the time.god bless all you guys from the 8th.can't believe we are in another war my sons ready to join up my only regret is i'am to old.i live 35 miles from wtc, lots of local folks worked there. seems like everybody here knew someone from wtc.we are pissed, as i told my sons."you don't want to piss off america!" god bless you and god bless america.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/06/2001 11:25:32am Name: Edward Morrissette E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Franklin, Ma. Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/06/2001 11:23:51am Name: Edward Morrissette E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: 8th RRFS Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/04/2001 8:50:55pm Name: Thomas Kelly E-Mail: TKelly9522 Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Winnfield,LA. Comments: Really great site enjoyed reading and looking at photos.Iwas with the 8thRRFS Feb.71 to May71.Iworked in the arms room my MOS was 76Y30.That was in PHU BIA.I then was transfered to Quang Tri with the 407thRRD,left RVN Feb.72. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10/03/2001 8:51:13pm Name: tom dugger E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: palmer, ne Comments: commcenter maintenance 31j teletype repair aug 71 aug 72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 10/02/2001 11:14:06am Name: Hao "Charlie" Wagner E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Want some more pics for your site??? I don't see the last one I sent. -Charlie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 10/01/2001 8:40:51pm Name: Paul Thomas E-Mail: PRTRLT@ATT.NET Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Clifton Park, NY Comments: A 72B from 3/68 to 10/69 at Phu Bai. Drop me a line if you remember me. It has been a long time since then and I know my memory has faded, but a couple of my roommates were Tip Rogers and John Sizemore. Also there was Chuck Henry, Bill Rucker, Mac Mcquire that come to mind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 10/01/2001 3:09:41am Name: Bruce S. Lewy E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: California Comments: Just stopped by to visit for a minute. Never made it to Phu Bai, North and East most of the time, northen I Corps and some time south of Da Nang. Keep up the good work with the site. Bigfootmarine 1968 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/26/2001 10:30:58am Name: Charlie E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Where can i send my pic for your website Hao-"Charlie" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/25/2001 9:07:39pm Name: Dan Lindsey E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Manheim,Pa Comments: left Devens april66 for Bankok wound up in Udorn at Det D 5th RRU.went to 175 RRcin Long Bein moved to BeinHoa 330th,then transfered to 1st RRCo Avn at Cham Rahn Bay "Crazzy Cat"TDY to the 8th for about 60 days dont remember when ,I remember getting rocket attacks almost every night at 1 or 2 am.went back to states april 69. Have 3 boys 1 girl 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter so far. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/25/2001 1:17:56pm Name: Hao "Charlie" Wagner E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: I was a waitress at the 80th General Support Group "Beach Club" at the beach in Danang and at the 84th Engr bn Danang 80th Group -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/24/2001 5:34:43pm Name: Ron Williams E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Centerpoint, Indiana Comments: Hey Guys: I really enjoyed looking at the photos. Brought back a lot of memories. I was there in 1969-1970. Unfortunately, I was attached to XXIV Corps and 101st as the draftsman is the S-3. Does anybody remember a SGT Tony Anthony?? maybe. Don't remember his full name - might have been a SSG at the time or SFC. He was going to buy a bar in Lawton, Oklahoma when he got out. Sorry I wasn't one of the guys that lived at the 8th during my tour. I did live there for a month or two at HHC. CPT Shave the commander. I'll have to get some photos up on the site. Maybe some of you can help me remember where they were taken. By the way, the train was called the Phu Bai Express. Ron Williams SFC, retired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 09/21/2001 8:45:01pm Name: Marty Chamberlain E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Eagan, Minnesota Comments: I am amazed to have stumbled across this site. Never imagined it was here. I was with the 8th (05h20) 69 and 70 - don't remember everyone but once in a while a name comes to mind! My best regards to all who experienced it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 09/21/2001 1:22:16am Name: Ted Danielson E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Omak, Washington Comments: stationed at the 8th from May 70 to Dec. 71 oh what a fun visit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/17/2001 10:21:40pm Name: Charles Engle E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Orlando, Florida Comments: I was a 98C2H in Phu Bai from Sep '70 until Sep '71. I served as acting NCOIC for PAR B after SFC LeToile had to go home on an emergency leave. He was gone 5 months! My roommates were Larry Ellis, Barry Ellenberger and Dean (can't remember his last name). We all arrived and departed on the same orders. I was lucky enough to get 3 in-country R&Rs at China Beach. Real steak every other night! I ended up returning to Devens as a TAOT instructor for 98Cs. Then went to OCS and flight school. I commanded the Guardrail company (B Company, 146th ASA Aviation Battlion, later renamed 146th Aerial Exploitation Battlion) in Korea and finished my career in the Army by getting them to pay for my graduate schooling and an appointment to the faculty at West Point! I loved the ASA and I miss the teamwork. Great website. Thanks for the memories! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 09/16/2001 10:47:00pm Name: Roy "Chris" Mecke E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: FT Wayne, IN via Phoenix. AZ Comments: Served at the 8th from May 71 to Apr 72. CO B- 98C20. Sorry, can not remember names- at the moment- but will look at pictures I have not viewed in maybe 25 years. But, I do remember the drugs and have great pictures of our "Home" and the GI's who shared it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/12/2001 4:23:03am Name: Joe D Mosby E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Comments: At Phu Bai as 058, 1965-66. VHFS 66-67, Ft Clayton CZ 67-70, Rothwesten 70-72. If any of the guys I served with are still around, I'd enjoy hearing from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/10/2001 0:25:52am Name: Mike Pohl E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Hawaii Comments: Denizen of Phu Bai from Sept 66 till Sept 67, 98G2L20 in the first bay on the right just inside the door, the mental (lingy) section. Why is it that nobody believes anything I say about the winter monsoon (brrrrrr!!!) or the summer heat (ouuuuch!!!) ??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 09/08/2001 11:49:29am Name: Eddie Cantrell E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Marietta, Oklahoma Comments: I was at the 8th from 11/64 to 10/65. I was 05D30 in SIT. I think I went on R/R to Siagon with a James Auflick if so get in touch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 09/08/2001 2:20:06am Name: William L. (Bill) Ducker E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Austin, Texas Comments: I was 98C2L63 at Rothwesten and Gartow, 68-70, and knew some guys who had been in Vietnam. Thank you all for what you did. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 09/07/2001 8:26:01pm Name: Ken Rice E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Web Ring Location: conestoga,pa. Comments: This is a great site. I served in phu bai 8thRRFS as an o5h from sept.71 to may72. I was with the group that went to the 7thRRFS. I can't remember many names, but can still see the faces. Would like to hear from others that were there at that time,espesialy Denny Mitchell (Mitch). I was with him from basic to Devens to Phu Bai. He stayed at the 8th when I went to the 7th, and haven't seen or heard of him since. Thanks again for a great site, will check back often. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 09/07/2001 4:29:29pm Name: Wayne Reed E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Atlanta, Georgia Comments: I am the chaplain's assistant pictured in Ralph Carlton's photograph. I would like to get in touch with Ralph. Please send me an email Ralph if you read this or if someone has Ralph's email, please send it to me at Peace, Wayne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 09/06/2001 2:02:12pm Name: richard faraca E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Web Ring Location: el cajon ca Comments: was 98c at phu bai oct 65 thru oct 66, was mid to noon shift supervisor for ta section. remember a lot of good times but have tried to forget the bad such as filling sandbags after working a 12 hr shift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 09/01/2001 9:37:57pm Name: Jack Jones E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Excelsior, Minnesota Comments: Can't remember any names of the guys I knew there. Was a 32G, crypto repairman in the comm center from Jan/66 till Jan/67. Remember that period as a very quiet time-the most fireworks I remember seeing was the marines celebrating the 4th of July, 1966. Course, our CO saw all those flares going up and promptly had us all out in the bunkers. Spent most of free time (what little there was) in the EM club, drinking and playing pinocle and waiting for the USO shows to start. From the 8th, I went to Hakata in Japan, stayed a year and voluteered to go back to the 8th. Instead got sent to the 509th in Saigon, stayed from 2/68 til 2/69. Worked with a lot of 72B's and teletype repairmen in the comm centers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 09/01/2001 9:23:28am Name: Jim Lewis E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Martinez,Georgia Comments: It is such a small world. For 20 years I have lived next door to an old ASAer from the early 60s. Hello Robert Waldero.(retired) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/27/2001 4:40:03pm Name: Andres Rocafort E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Jamestown, NC Comments: Served with 8th RRFS 9/67 thru 8/31/68 (nick name was: Rocky) MOS 72B20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2001 10:37:22pm Name: Ed Clary E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Friend Location: St. Marys, GA Comments: I was at Phu Bai Dec69-Aug70, working as a TA in the Low Level Exploitation Shop. Aug-Dec70, I was with the 407th RRD (Quang Tri, A-4, etc.). Over the years I find that I remember many. many faces, but fewer and fewer names. There was a guy named Love who I let out of Ops to work in the Craft Shop. Another TA named Brown who was in my room in the trailers. Well, if anyone remembers Ed Clary give me a holler! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/21/2001 6:24:58pm Name: Terence (Terry) J. L. McGuire E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Texas Comments: PhuBai Spring 68-69, 05H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/09/2001 11:01:28am Name: ashley rutherford E-Mail: a_rutherford Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: mp 65-66 67-69 change e-mail address enjoy hearing from old army buddies! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/09/2001 1:27:18am Name: Ed Chamberlain E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: New Caney (near Houston), Texas Comments: I was the signal officer for the 8th Sept 70-Jul 71, then ran perimeter defense until DEROS Sept 71. Am looking for Felix Plunkard, "Tooler" Tuller, and Ralph Adams (all NSA) and Marshall Breland (then Major and I believe S-3 of Ops) Would appreciate any of these guys getting in touch with me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07/25/2001 2:10:38pm Name: Jacques R. Dickerspm E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: San Antonio, Texas Comments: Was never in Phu Bai, but Chu Lai and Tien Phuc SF Camp were pretty good. I was Hog with the 408th RRD/Americal RRC (Prov)/328th RRC from 68-70. Knew a bunch of guys who were at Phu Bai. Say.....did you guys really live in air-conditioned trailers for hooches? They showed us some cool pics of the 8th, but don't know if they were staged. Jacques -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 07/20/2001 12:41:31am Name: Hao "Charlie" E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Anyone who used to go to the Beach club at 80th General Support Group Danang or the 84th Engr Bn NCO club and remembers me drop me a line- "Charlie" Hao -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 07/20/2001 3:23:25am Name: Jim Guinn E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Nocona, Tx Comments: I was in Phu Bai from Nov 70 to Nov 71, where I was the S2 clerk. I probably took your picture, made your badge, and read your background investigation. I remember working with Henry Hunter, who took my position when I left. I was in Hq Co, and lived in the French Barracks. I remember John Lorson, who was a friend and card partner at Herzo Base and later at Phu Bai. From what I read in the other posts, my year in Phu Bai was rather tranquil in comparison to other years, but I do remember being extremely concerned while on perimeter guard duty and while being shaved by the Vietnamese barbers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 07/19/2001 2:47:05am Name: Michael Redding--Big Red E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Gettysburg, Pa. Comments: 8thRRFS March 72 to Oct 72. 04B Trick Chief, Sgt. Ford SFC Inman, Mortar Platoon w/Dickman, Barna, Mad Dog, Herc, Turtle, Dupuy, Lived in the trailers and then the white elephants. Remember the night Charlie blew the ammo dump? Oct to Nov in Danang and then home to Big Daddy at Meade. Would love to hear from anyone from then. Would also like to talk to anyone who has gone back. I am thinking of going next year for the 30th anniversary of my last visit!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/10/2001 9:39:41pm Name: Lori Pittman E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Palmer, AK Comments: Looking for anyone who knows my brother, Ron Inman, 8th RRU 1965-1966 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/03/2001 9:50:15pm Name: William Snyder E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Franklin, NJ now Kingsport, TN Comments: Arrived Det J March 64 as 982. Lived in Canvass Castle Motel(tent)then later in summer moved into permanent barracks. Great trips into Hue and in the Citadel. Buffalo burgers at the Circle Sportief and great opportunities just to enjoy the sights. Looking to find 982's I served with; Ted, Charlie Sullivan, Jeff Smith, and others. Planning to write a book on Phu Bai from time it was established till it became 8th RRFS. Need stories and pics from that time period. Great site and great to read of Phu Bai in later years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/03/2001 12:29:57am Name: Frank Harrington E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: E-Mail Location: N. Grafton, Ma. Comments: Just a note to all PhuBai vets, "Keep the Faith". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 06/30/2001 4:29:54pm Name: Paul Engle E-Mail: Homepage URL: http://same Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: sandpoint Idaho Comments: too many memories but is a great site. served w/138th aug 71to aug72 05h may take severial yrs to see all the stuff you have listed. WELCOME HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 06/25/2001 3:43:01am Name: Bob Hardesty(COONASS) E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Bangkok Thailand Comments: Hey 05hogs; Was in Phu bBai 71-72. Left for 7thrrfs in 72 and have been in thailand since. Anyone there remem,ber me. Go FREAKS )&@'s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 06/25/2001 0:51:23am Name: Sp4 Stanley T Fortenberry E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Lexington, Texas Comments: I came to Phu Bai after Chu Lai closed down in '71, and was one of the last troops out of there. Chu Lai was struck by Tyfoon Hester as we were leaving and we were cut off for about a week. It had to be before Christmas because I was one of the lucky ones that got to go see Bob Hope. I don't remember a lot, I've spent the last 29 years trying to forget, But, not every demon that is faced can be defeated, but no demon can be defeated before it is faced. I would like to find Timothy Thompson, "TimmyTom"; Michael "Pat" Patterson and anyone else who remembers me there. I was a TA and lived in the Trailers. I played Poker a lot and started smoking cigars while I was there. I left in April of 72. There is more to my story and I need to find it. Stan Fortenberry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 06/22/2001 5:22:33pm Name: Dave Pelsor E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Indianapolis, IN Comments: 8th RRFS Oct 70 - Oct 71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 06/22/2001 1:26:19pm Name: Rich Queen E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Columbus OH Comments: I was a 72B at RRCUV Whitebirch Terminal from 8/68 to 10/70. Just found you guys doing a search. Just an FYI for those who served at the 8th about the same dates, 72B Dwayne Beal of Hilliard, OH passed away in Y2K. He fulfilled his dream of being a cowboy and also a guide. Dwayne and I graduated from the same high school (a year apart), went through Ft. Dix basic and Ft. Gordon together. His records got hosed at Gordon, so I got to Nam a week before him. I got cherry duty and he got the pits, but I'm sure you all made it more bearable, just being there for each other. Thanks for listening, and Welcome Home! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 06/21/2001 10:19:34pm Name: Harry Reese E-Mail: hreesedance@yahoo Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Wichita, KS Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/19/2001 1:08:30pm Name: John P. Gardner E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Washington, D.C. Comments: I was in Phu Bai from Easter '67 - '68 with the MP company. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 06/16/2001 10:49:03am Name: Tom Grylls E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Phoenix N.Y. Comments: Was in Phu Bai, 8rrfs, Oct 71 to Sept 72 mos 72B20, Iwas a cook in the old mess hall. Anyone out there around that time? Anyone remember the cooks? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 06/15/2001 2:15:08pm Name: Charles E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: E-Mail Location: Augusta, Georgia Comments: I was stationed at the 8th RRU durng the period May 1969 through May 1970. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 06/09/2001 0:08:12am Name: Stan Van Wey E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Tampa Florida (Go Bucs) Comments: Oh the memories...ASA never dies. Was at PhuBai 69-70, spent several mo's at A4 till ETS time. Arrived from Rothwesten. Remember Mike Zawleski and Pete Shallenberger. Y'all out there anywhere? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/05/2001 11:35:18pm Name: Laurie E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: A very good friend (and relative) did 2 tours in Phu Bai in 71 and 72. Have seen lots of photos and was curious when I found this site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/05/2001 10:36:31pm Name: John McBreen E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Winchester, VA Comments: I would like to thank two asa folks who have given me alot of information on my father Bill Stackhouse recently. They are Rich Bort and Morgan "Woody" Woodward. Most of allCurt for providing this great site.I'm still looking for more info though. I have reason to believe that my father may have spent time with the 265th at camp eagle. I have a transfer paper that shows him going back to the 8th in Dec-71. He was on the moratar platoon with Woody until he DEROS in April 1972. Theres is one person who can possible clear this up and his name is Mike Sweeney,I have a letter he wrote my father in May 72 from the 8th. Also Two guys in charge of the platoon at that time were Ramsey L. Longbothan, and Johnc. Barna. Thanks, John. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/05/2001 8:24:39pm Name: John Linder E-Mail: JPLATWORK@AOL.COM Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Orange, CA Comments: Arrived 8th RRFS April 70. Sent immediately to 407th RRD Quang Tri and spent most time FSB Sarge & A4 (Con Thien). Was a lousy 04B/98G and will always be greatful to SFC Rhodes and Cpt Prokopowicz for keeping me alive. Oh yeah... gotta remember "Epstein", the greatest lingy of all time, even if he was a little hyper. The 407th RRD was a tight little unit and my time there and in the Nam taught me much. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 06/04/2001 2:03:52pm Name: Booth Eugene Wallace (Wally/Pineapple) E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Clayton, CA Comments: Finding this site was very cool. I thought I dreamed what happened to a 19 year old kid back 30 years ago. I went into the ASA in Jan. of '69, making it to Devens in, I believe March. I was assigned to the Menehune platoon ( that's right, the guys you all hated to see E and E night ) and was at the 8th, as an 05D30, from 6/70 to 6/71. From there to Vint Hill Farms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 05/31/2001 11:20:08pm Name: Robert H. Stewart E-Mail: Storm 6601 Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Ohio Comments: Just got on the net really cool to see so many sites. Found one friend from Foo By 68. Looking for others. After 31 years nice to find ASA is still all the way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/27/2001 8:11:55pm Name: James E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: London Comments: S P A M God Damned Limey bastards spammed my little guestbook... Boycott this company! Curt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/27/2001 6:05:21pm Name: jim Arensen E-Mail: Homepage URL: http://N/A Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: N.Y. now Clorado Comments: just trying to get in touch with other phu Bai wariors 72-73. Great site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 05/22/2001 7:13:19pm Name: Johnny Blalock Dawkins E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: I was at Phu Bai from 64 - 65. I was the supply clerk when the Gulf incident occurred and the subsequent buildup began. We lived in tents and then prefabs. I recall the alerts and the threats from the NVA over the radio. I recall playing cards all night (pinochle), my first real drunk (hey, it was my birthday). I remember the 64 election. Couldn't vote; it's not a long story but another time. I remember dozens of guys, one shooting of a buffalo and the tension that caused. I remember one shooting of a local and the REAL tension, demonstrations, etc. that followed. I would like contact with any of the guys that were there at the same time. Great web site! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/20/2001 11:13:45am Name: Morgan Woodward E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Clinton, MD (next to Andrews AFB) Comments: Served 71-72 at the Phu Bai complex....great to see the pics & comments - any more TriBac Power&Light out there (mortors ruled the night). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 05/19/2001 8:36:01pm Name: mike (bama) werneth E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: i servered two tours in phu bai the first was 4/69 - 4/70 and again 5/71- 2/72. i was a 72b. i was surfing and saw a picture of me and blake headed to guard duty.that would have been my second tour with blake.I remember more names from the first tour than the second, some of the names that come to me is jim valentine,john wise,steve coaker, steve windom, (pickle) dill,tom carvel.chuck henry,art brunson,steve savalsa,uncle bob, and a sgt steve stevens. it been a long time it was neat to see the pictures. would love to hear from anyone. mike werneth (bama) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/13/2001 9:41:01pm Name: Steve Warren E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: 64-65 982 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/13/2001 10:37:04am Name: Ron Valastin E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Medford, Long Island, NY Comments: Great Job on this site! I served in Phu Bai from March 68-Jan 69. Was with the 596th signal co, 63rd Sig bn. Served as an 05c20 Radio op. We were down by the south gate across from the SeaBees. Keep up the Good Work.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 05/09/2001 12:04:07am Name: Dave Weygandt E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: E-Mail Location: Comments: Served as 72b20 -40 at 7th RRFS 69-69 Herzo 69-70 + 8th RRFS 70 72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 05/05/2001 2:19:56pm Name: Mel Hennemann E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Bettendorf, Iowa Comments: 1969-1970 8th RRFS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 05/04/2001 1:59:41pm Name: jim , the old hippie E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: near tampa fl and licking , mo Comments: Great site was in Phu Bai in 1964 TDY from 9th asasa at clark AFB mos 058 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 04/23/2001 0:32:15am Name: RICARDO CARREON E-Mail: EL ROOKIE @AOL.COM Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: SAN ANTONIO TEXAS Comments: i goof on the dates assigned to the mighty 8th rock and roll field station it was fm aug 71 to aug 72. i used to live in on french brks the 1st one on the right. i had my 21 birthday there had one hell of a party food fm 101st mess hall, my cousin was a cook there and spirits tks to the navy. one great forum, bring back lotsa great memories unfortunely bad one also. but i wouldnt change anything coz i got the ever lasting friends coz of them. god bless u'all. asa forever. 20 yrs of service. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/20/2001 11:53:03pm Name: Richard Prange E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: W. Washington Comments: I think you have a great site for all the former "Phu Bai" family!! I was there from Apr. 66- Mar. 67. I was an 054d20. Some of the guys I worked with included Jimmy Scales, Rip Outlaw, Pete Butler, Richard Wymore, and alot more...nothing but great guys to work with from sand bagging to OPS. I was there when Phu Bai got its initial introduction into a true war zone....came right up to home and became real personal. That is one night I will never forget. "Balls" and her pups getting killed in the mine field one at a time over a period of months, the em club with lizards climbing up the walls, New Years Eve and 2 of our drunk guys picking a fight with a couple marines in the club (not a good idea), getting way too drunk, way too often, Petee Butler and the Blue Goose, doing the Roman thing with his fingers down his throat just so that he could continue drinking..... Oh ya, I remember alot of long, dark, nights on duty just waiting for the big one. I remember being sent out off post to our "hut" between the compound and the airport to work hoping I didn't get my throat slit. Thanks for all the memories. I'd really like to hear from any of the guys that I worked with there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/18/2001 8:47:27pm Name: DAVE MILLER E-Mail: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: i was in country from april 68 to oct 69. i origionally started on the 8th but went to the 265th. had many good times there. it's been good to see all this about the 8th. never thought i'd see this. thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/18/2001 10:55:12am Name: Curt Wayne E-Mail: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Newark, Delaware Comments: Hi! Just had to put an entry in my own guestbook. I wanna be included in any datbase that may come into being as a result. Ah hem, I was in Phu Bai, 8thRRFS from June70 to June 71 as a CommCenter OP.. a 72B. I stayed in D-Row trailers with a bunch of other knucklehead 72Bees. Mike Wilson, Chuck Sarrio, Nick Nicholson, Ernie Ernst, Jack Hearn, Russel Haynes and Bill Hose among others. This site has helped me in getting a handle on just how the 8th RRFS came into being and what exactly its mission was. Ofcourse, Its been alot of fun getting to know all the guys who once called the place home. Great Site! Curt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/18/2001 0:53:14am Name: Bob Winfield E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: So. California Comments: I was at 8th RRFS from Oct 66 through Feb 67. I was a 33C. I just found this website - it's pretty cool - didn't know that any of this existed - thought we were all long forgotten. I was also at Devens. After Phu Bai I was xfrd to Siagon then to Ben Hoa then to Germany. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/17/2001 11:03:16am Name: Hawaiian Flash E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Was at Phu Bai when the 101st moved up there after Tet. Remember living in the tent near operations until relocation out to Camp Eagle. Remember other Hawaiians at Phu Bai, Al Fujii and Wes Chong who accompanied me out to the firebase along the coast. With only us "pineapples" in the jeep we were thought to be a bunch of ARVNS trying to gain access to the base and the gate guard almost refused us entry. Phu Bai was a great place to get away from Camp Eagle and see some of the shows which came to the club there. Great web site; brings back a lot of old memories. Wes, if you're still out there I really dug that '69 roadrunner you had when back in Hawaii. Aloha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 04/16/2001 11:12:37am Name: Ricardo Careon E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: San Antoinio Texas Comments: I was assigned to he Mighty 8th Rock n Roll Field Station from Aug 70 to Aug 71. I was a tape-ape 72B10D1(E-4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/11/2001 9:07:24pm Name: Francis Boegemann E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Leominster, MA Comments: I was stationed at Phu Bai from early 1965 and part of 66 when I was medi-evacted to Japan. What a great place (Japan that is) When I arrived at Phu Bai it had 4 strands of broken down barbed wire fence as the perimeter. We waved at charlie and he waved back.. I could tell you some good stories. How about the night the NVA with forged papers and a stollen truck from the from the RVNs up the road gained access to our compound and stole weapons and ammo. I walked behind that truck when it came into the compound...and thinking to myself.. what if we had a practice alert and these guys are NVA ..little did I know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/06/2001 8:44:55pm Name: James Auflick E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Ormond Beach, Fla Comments: I was an O5D20 stationed at the 8thRRFS from 1/65 to 1/66. worked at the comcenter SIT with Gene Parker,Lee Enrico,Ron Duncan,Bill Schmedeke, Nick Kamzalow,John Trbuza and Nick Fraraccio, Would like to hear from anybody who knows of the where abouts of these guys. would like to reestablish old friendships. Great site!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/04/2001 3:49:16pm Name: David Sternberg E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: March 68 - Oct 68. Worked in the MARS station; Chief op from June - Oct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/24/2001 10:32:24pm Name: Ken Zahn E-Mail: Homepage Title: 8/4 ARTY web site Guns of the DMZ Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: [medichondo1... Doc HONDO]8/4 ARTY- Dong Ha ...A-4 Con Thien... Lam Son 719... Punch Bowl Khe Sahn.. 70-71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/23/2001 10:35:18am Name: CHARLES E HUBBARD E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: I was stationed at the 8th from aug 70 to july 71. be glad to talk to anyone there be 4 or after i was thanx chuck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 03/21/2001 4:26:42pm Name: William Z. Stuart E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Browns Mills, New Jersey Comments: Was at 8th from Dec 68 toDec 69. 98C SSG. Worked at site for 4 months than ran the JCAD Joint courier Activity, Danang. Had 2 air Force guys and a Marine Jeep. Used to meet the Navy and Marine planes, get the material and transport to the 8th via the Aviation Detachment in Danang. I actually worked out of the Avn Det in Danang. Note of interest. There is a dealer of Poker in Atlantic City, Taj Mahal casino who is from Phu Bai. He was born there in 1965. His father owned a little grocery thing across from the main gate to the 8th. Small world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/19/2001 8:49:57pm Name: Tony Whittley E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Oregon Comments: 98C20 at Phu Bai for a short time in Spring '71. Got the chance to transfer up to Hue with the 1st DARRS and jumped at it. I was with 1st DARRS until 4/72. We had moved from Hue to Camp Eagle shortly before I left. Rotated back to Ft. Meade. Anyone from 1st DARRS out there? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/19/2001 7:53:46pm Name: Ira Andrews E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: SSG Ira Andrews 95BA40 Phu Bai Aug 67 to Jun 69, Outer perimeter Foxtrot NCOIC from approx oct 68 to jun 70. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 03/15/2001 7:49:22pm Name: Patrick Harbin E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/12/2001 1:26:48pm Name: Bill Shade E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Nellysford, Virginia Comments: First assigned to Phu Bai when it was Det J, 3rd RRU in 1963. Left in summer of 1964 and returned for a second tour in Sep of 1970 to August of 1971. Enjoyed the site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 03/11/2001 4:22:13pm Name: David W Miller E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Former 98C2H...Served at 8th RRFS 7/71- 7/72. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/10/2001 4:19:10pm Name: Charlie Taliaferro E-Mail: Homepage Title: THE KITCHEN TABLE GANG TRUST Homepage URL: Referred By: Friend Location: NAS Lemoore (CA) Comments: We are trying to get the word out about our project and thought perhaps you might be able to help us. Military veterans . . . WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!! Have you ever done time in a veteran's hospital? This not-for-profit group works to lessen the bleakness that permeates all Veterans Administration hospitals. Check out the Kitchen Table Gang Trust at A lot of military veterans have deemed our efforts worthy of support and we hope you will too. Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/10/2001 11:55:04am Name: Bob Wilson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Middletown, Ohio Comments: I was at the Tri-Bac Station fron May 1965 thru June 1966 and was assigned to Headquarters Company. Remember the USO Show with Robert Mitchum and, who could ever forget, Ann-Margaret? It was a great experience even if a TDY to Da Nang during a Buddist uprising earned me a Purple Heart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/05/2001 2:27:17pm Name: Sam Ford E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Baytown, Texas Comments: Served as a 04B2LVN from August 1971 to August 1972. Started my tour in the old trailers surrounded by the 101st and moved into the white targets when they were brand new only to be left behind when 101st moved out. Love the web site and the stories. Times were certainly strange back then, a typhoon, many games of pick up sticks, nights on guard, going days without water. Too many things to remember and some better forgotten. One memory will never go away. Gary Westcott, linguist whose name is on the Wall. More later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 03/04/2001 11:35:40am Name: Joe Parker E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Atlanta, GA Comments: Hi to All. Great Website. Served at Phu Bai's 8th RRFS July 71-April 72. Worked in Ops, served on the Secondary Reaction Force, so lived in the barracks next to B Company. Would like to locate Greg Brawner, Mike Ray, Scott Waite, Gabe DeJong, Tom Fabrikant, Andy Hudak and others from my AIT and trip to Nam. I have info on Ron Perkins, Don Green (arms room) and Bruce Reissaus, for anyone looking for them. Look forward to hearing from you all. Joe Parker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/03/2001 8:20:53pm Name: cecil w carver E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: E-Mail Location: charlotte, nc Comments: I served in Phu Bail for 12/65 til 4/66. I was a 72b20 comcenter specialist. I know several people who served there to include some morse intercept and some MP`s, but only from the time I was there. Would like to exchange notes if you served during that time. I am now in active touch with at least 12 guys whom I served with in Nam from 3/65 til 4/66. My first 7 months were spent at the 3rru in saigon, and some of my contact are from there. One morse from my PhuBai days was a Bill Howe, I think he was from Virginia. Do you remember the infamous Col. Hamilton? Give me some feedback, maybe we know some of the same people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/03/2001 11:55:51am Name: Dan Merrill E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Hilliard, Ohio Comments: My tour with the 8th was from Sept-67 until Mar-68 I was a 33C2h in SIG MAINT during my stay. I instructed at Ft. Devens from Apr-68 until Apr-70. I remember good times as well as bad at the 8th. Tet was a bummer! Watched as "A" row burned. Would like to hear from those that remember me (both at the 8th as well as Devens). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/25/2001 11:25:26pm Name: J. Michael Findley E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Rhinelander, WI Comments: A brand new internetter; a very old Phu Bai warrior. One Army buddy, and then the rest of you, were the first things I punched-up. In Phu Bai Dec. 70 to May 1, 71. Came from TUSLOG 4-4, went to 7th RRFS and then to Det. J, 7th RRFS. Lived in hooch previously occupied by refrigeration repair guys; they left a 'fridge for us, God Bless 'em. Have been in contact w/Chad Donan, who says he can find Joe Sam. O5H's all. I think I have re-found Charlie Lombard after losing him for a few years. Still pray for Missy Babe & Missy Than who made our plywood palace palatable. Thanks guys; God Bless You Phu Bai Mad Dog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/24/2001 8:58:16pm Name: Charlie H. Borges E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Web Ring Location: Prunedale, Ca. Comments: I was station in with the 1st Platoon, 101st RR Aug 70-71. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/24/2001 9:23:04am Name: Charles E. Ledbetter E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: San Antonio, Texas Comments: I was with Hq.Btry 1st Field Artilery Group(USMC) Meteorology section. We were assigned to Hq.Btry.3rd.Bn.12th Marines. From January 1966 to June or July 1966 we just next(north) to 8thRRU. I went into compound several times and noticed the life of luxury compared to what we had. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 02/23/2001 12:41:00am Name: Matt Mathews E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Mazatlan, MX Comments: I was an 05H20 on straight mids from April '68 to April '69. (Did an earlier year with the 303rd in '66-67.) Still in touch with Butch Herman and Bob Oshinsky who were roomates in the trailers (we all came from Berlin at the same time). Wish I had the brain cells left to remember all the rest of the coneheads on our trick! Thanks for the memories and the good website. Baron "Matt" Mathews -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/21/2001 10:13:46pm Name: bill haldeman E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: asa 70-73,phu bai/saigon 71-72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/21/2001 9:48:03am Name: Michael J. Salfai E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: Was 98C2l15 at PhuBai from Dec 65 to Dec 66. Looking for Roger Taylor, Ron Lewis, Rich Nakagawa, Jerry Klindt, Tim Mills, or any others who were there at same time. Later was at 12th USASAFS. Entered WI Army National Guard upon discharge. Retired CSM/35 years. Served in Bosnia, Croatia, and Hungary in 96/97. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/21/2001 9:23:29am Name: Michael J. Salfai E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: Was stationed at Phu Bai (8th RRU) from December 1965 to December 1966. 98C2L15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/19/2001 9:08:38am Name: Jim Fagg E-Mail: Homepage Title: None Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: Comments: 98C P & R NCOIC 1965/1966 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/15/2001 8:39:53pm Name: Steve Stoner E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Was 05H from 69-70. room 6 if I remembber correctly. Ended up spending 24 years in the Army and retired in 92 as a CSM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/04/2001 2:22:10pm Name: Mike Musto E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Portland, Oregon Comments: 05D June 1968 to Dec 1970. (Yep, extended for 6 mos.; either that or paint rocks at Fort Bragg. Got Hakata after that, so it was worth it. Nice page!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/04/2001 2:36:25am Name: Dan Shishido E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Honolulu Comments: Mar70-Jan71, 98C20. Worked in "Sugar Shack" - with the Vietnamese transcribers (Dancers). After couple months of pulling share of perimeter guard, learned I could be a duty driver instead. So I started driving the 2.5t about once a week & even became the regular relief driver for our PV2 98C who got busted - MJ, I believe. It was better to be a driver than fighting mosquitoes at night - even if it meant little me fixing flat tires now & then. Got to drive up to Cp Eagle to dump trash, into Hue for something or another, & up to Quang Tri on coupla occasions. To this day, I'm still sniffing milk before I take a swig! Remember some of that sour solid stuff you poured into your mouth? When the snack bar opened up, they did great business even tho the burgers were dry. The one time we took in-coming, I was away on R&R. Great site, thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/28/2001 7:48:04pm Name: Dave Weygandt E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: Served in both 7th and 8th ASA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/28/2001 5:18:12pm Name: Gene Milligan E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Charleston, SC Comments: I was assigned to Headquarters Company, 8th RRFS from Jan 71 to Dec 71. I worked in the Unit Personnel Office (UPO) and lived in one of the old French Barracks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 01/24/2001 9:38:43pm Name: J. Michael Twinam (Joe) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: 8th RR, Phu Bai 1970-71 Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 01/22/2001 6:36:01pm Name: patrick grover E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Seaside, CA Comments: Just found the web site today and it brought back a lot of memories (or was it the spicy burrito I ate?) I arrived in Phu Bai in Oct 71 and was assigned to PAR F (remember that little shack detached from the main ops center with us occupying one half and the ARVNs occupying the other?) At the time there was an SFC as NCOIC, whose name I can't remember, but he was an accomplished classical guitar player. Also in our section was a large friendly guy from Texas named (Ron?) Hundley, two Irish guys O'malley and Hallaran, some guy named Gadberry (sp?). Later on, the brass had a new section built on the wall opposite the l38th AVN, and we moved in there. Shortly after this we got a new NCOIC SFC Larry Mock, who eventually left for an assignment at lst CARRS in Hue and left me as NCOIC. By this time, we had a complete change of personnel and I had SP4 Gary Vickery, SP4 Dean Mansfield, SP4 Urodzinsky, SP4 John Short and a few others I can't remember. We also got a new OIC, former USAFSS Sgt. Dale Foster, a grizzly old cuss from I think Georgia, who got a Warrant through some special program in place at the time. I remember the time the suspended cieling fell in when Charlie blew up the ammo dump, when a piece of shrapnel came down through the cieling, hit a junction box, careened off a steel plate in the floor and landed off in a corner and the time a warrant officer airplane driver from the 138th accidentally discharged his weapon through our common wall and inches over our coffee pot. Of course,the roof leaked. I always suspected the administration didn't like our section. I was also with the mortar platoon and some of the names from there were "the lip" Fletcher, "Mad dog" Mccarty, some guy named Davidson, and a Sgt. named either Dickman or Hickman, who never had to buy a pack of cigarettes during his whole tour, because he smoked Luckies and we all stockpiled those firecrackers from our C-rats. Well, I guess I've rattled on long enough I'd look forward to hearing from any of you and swapping lies/memories/gripes/etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 01/20/2001 5:45:22pm Name: Bob Dowling E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Coral Springs, FL Comments: Hello to all who served at the 8th RRU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/18/2001 0:04:14am Name: Jim Copeland E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Friend Location: 8th RRFS Comments: I did three tours in Viet Nam two of them at Phu Bai as a MP. I was there in 65-66 and 70-71. I would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/11/2001 9:25:46am Name: Brad Pummel E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Westerville, OH Comments: Just thought I would drop in and update my EMail address as it had been awhile since I have been on the site and have been off prodigy for some time. Thanks again for all your work. This time I found a familiar name and will send him EMail. Phu Bai, 05h20 from 69 to 70. Regards, Brad Pummel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 01/08/2001 10:52:47am Name: John McBreen E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Web Ring Location: Comments: I hope all of you had a good Holiday. I would like to thank Curt for all his help for putting my fathers pictures on his site. I am in need of some more help. I found a letter to my father from a friend who was at the 8th, it is dated 27 May 1972. His name is Michael E. Sweeney. Some other names mentioned were Berkley, D. Randolph, Mike Rice, and Geary Aduff. In the letter Mike refers to my father as "Bear". I have some of my fathers paper work. He arrived in Vietnam on 3 July 1971. In 20 Dec. 1971 he was transfered to the 8th. He left vietnam in April of 1972. I am trying to find out where he was from july to dec 1971. I am now thinking maybe he was with the 265th for awhile? I found some shirts with the MACV patch on the right shoulder but on the left is what appears to be a black heart? On his right pocket is a Tri Bac mortar platoon patch. Any input or suggestions would be a great help. Thanks, John. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/07/2001 11:05:14am Name: Joe Cook E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Search Engine Location: Aurora, Colorado Comments: I was at the 8th RRFS from Nov 71 - July 72. I was an 05H20 but ended up helping the 1st Sgt rebuild the trench line. I was in the first group to move into the new barracks. Is there anybody out there who remembers these things????? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 01/05/2001 12:32:55am Name: kinter koontz (aka. pete) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Wilkes-Barre, PA area Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/31/2000 11:20:12pm Name: Doyle L. Bullock E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Illinois Comments: HQ Co 8th RRFS Aug 67-Oct 69 MP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/16/2000 11:06:01pm Name: Walt White E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Tustin, CA Comments: Excellent site! I was an 05H at the 8th from June 70 to Feb 71 working nights in Catfish. I was also at the 265th RRC flying LeftBank from 6/71 to 1/72. Looking forward to hearing from anyone from that era. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/12/2000 1:47:27am Name: John McNaul E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Woodbury, NJ Comments: I was a resident of Phu Bai from January 1967 to January 1968 and from January 1969 to January 1970. A radio direction finder by trade (05D-20 by MOS). Pulled some duty at the 265th RRC on a PRD-1 team in the summer and fall of 1969 with the 2nd of the 327th, No Slack Bat, 101st. Great Site! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/11/2000 0:37:38am Name: Roger Perry E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Delaware Comments: At the 8th from April '67 to '68. Looking for Harvey Rodgers. Lost contact some years ago. I must be dated, never knew we were called "hogs". Have emailed Stoney Burke and Steve Mitchell. Remember Ron Hanson, Ken Jackson, Ken Furiama, Wes Chase, Hubert Hildebrand, Jim Bickel, Zeddie Adams III, Moses Amos Simmons, and a guy named Eberhardt from Ohio. Remember SSG Wallace (loved me and Harvey - tried to reduce both of us for getting shit faced at a USO show. Everything was okay until Harvey barfed in the trash can next to his position). What ever happened to Ron Stapp The Fat NAP? Never forget that year, called it my Senior Class Trip! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/11/2000 0:15:21am Name: Roger Perry E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: At the 8th from April '67 to '68. Looking for Harvey Rodgers. Lost contact some years ago. I must be dated, never knew we were called "hogs". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/10/2000 6:12:31pm Name: danny owen E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: paris, tn Comments: Curt, Haven't checking in for awhile, so thought I would do so. Hope everything is going well. Danny Owen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 12/07/2000 3:02:38pm Name: Mark Bedont E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Centreville, VA Comments: This has been one of my favorite sites! I now know a lot more about the 8th RRFS than I knew when I was there. I was with the 265th RRC at Camp Eagle from August 1971 to Feb. 1972, then at the 8th until July 1972. I was a draftee Radio Teletype Operator and worked in the shack behind the comm center. Stayed in the "French" barracks, then the new two-story, white barracks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/01/2000 11:59:13pm Name: Jim Smith E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Ironton, Ohio Comments: I was an 058. I was in Det J of the 3rd RRU in June of 1964 to June of 1965. I was there when it became the 8th. I have appreciated seeing how things changed in the years afterward. Good work. James A. Smith -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/26/2000 3:59:29am Name: Tim Olson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Deary, Idaho Comments: I regonized Mike Healys name and wounder if there were any more guys that went there from our 054 class in Devens . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/21/2000 12:32:11am Name: Pete McGovern E-Mail: Homepage Title: Digital Communications Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Jupiter, Florida Comments: Great site for the 8th RRU. Was there as an 05H20 from May '66 to June '67. Then to Homestead AFB '67-'69. Station at the AFB closed and we moved to Card Sound Naval Security Site off Card Sound Road in Upper Key Largo. FTA! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/13/2000 3:06:58pm Name: William Glass E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: LaMoille, Illinois Comments: Enjoy your web site. I too was at the 8thRRFS from 1971 to 1972. First time I've visited. Brought back many memories. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 11/11/2000 5:05:30pm Name: MIKE GRADY E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: CANTON, OHIO Comments: Served at 8th rrfs dec.1970 - dec. 1971. was an 05c40 (radio tt oper.). Was in small radio shack behind the ops bldg. Just inside the ops wire. Lived in french hooches near the vollyball area. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/10/2000 2:05:34am Name: Randy W. Brookman E-Mail: Homepage Title: The Brookman E-Commerce Shopping Mall Homepage URL: Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Springfield, Missouri Comments: I was stationed in Phu Bai from June 1966 - June 1967. Shared room with Vance Paul Scroggins, Charlie Essig & Bill Freeman. I was 18 going on 5. Mostly just drank and fought. Big idiot in those days. Now live in Springfield, Missouri. Have talked with Charlie Essig and Bill Freeman a few times over the years. No word from Scroggins. Anyone remember Dalton from Tennessee? He really liked his Jack Daniels but was a vegetarian. How about Brooke Holloway? Lost track of him a few years ago. Hope all who read this are living the good life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/01/2000 0:18:10am Name: Steve Fehr E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: PA Comments: Excited to see ur site! Was Navy with Co L MSB at the 8th 12/66-9/67. Lived in the French style quarters with the head/latrine sandwiched btwn and next to the NCO Club. Wonder when Co L departed? Fascinated with the aerial of the compound. Thanx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 10/29/2000 11:57:24pm Name: Ken Daws E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Net Search Location: Newark, Delaware Comments: I was looking for info on a print of Deer Park Tavern. Copyright 1982 signed and numbered723/1000 CSWAYNE for 1999 Newark night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 10/29/2000 11:49:53pm Name: Michael Mercier E-Mail: Homepage Title: Not Yet Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Maine but now live in Oregon Comments: Great site Curt. Keep it up. I served with the 3rd platoon (Snoopy crest) 265th RR Co as a 52B (power generation) but spent most of my time on a PRD-1 team. Arrived RVN 12/15/67 (Chu Chi til about Jan 68), then to Bien Hoa for all the TET 68 fun. By about Apr68 went to Camp Eagle, was there for the May 21st 68 sapper attack, earned my first purple heart. Then about Aug 68 went to LZ Sally til my 12/15/68 ride home. Although I can see lots of faces, I forget most of the names. I remember Mike Flynn, Ron Scudderi, Sgt Farmer (Ranger), a guy we called Pollock, a blond haired guy (Mr. Machine Gun) from Colorado, and the rest are only faces. Sorry guys... Feel free to email me. ASA Lives!! Michael -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 10/27/2000 8:11:21am Name: John Wagner E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Penfield Ny Comments: Looking for David Park of the 8th was in Danang in July 72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10/25/2000 6:53:32pm Name: Van C. Seagraves E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Florida Comments: Whew, Phu Bai was all right (yeah right)! was at the good old 8th from 8/68 to 8/69. 05H bay 1, roomed with Bill Newgent and Dave Haskell. Later at Two Rock, Hakata, 7th RRFS, 337th, Alamo Station and good old Augsburg.. Brought back some good memories .. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 10/24/2000 10:16:43pm Name: John Mastro E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Just heard from John, passed the word. I should have known his father. Have some of the same pictures. I spent a month at Phu Bia and was on the mortar platoon prior to going to the 101st. Spent time there to Quang Tri and back. Great site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/19/2000 6:04:35am Name: Ronald Olsen E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Illinois Comments: Lets try this again! I have a new e-mail address and lost my address book and old e-mails thanks to Netscape. I am a history student at Northern Illinois University and am doing my senior thesis on the role of the 8th. I would very much like to hear from anyone who was there. Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/14/2000 2:48:44am Name: Stan Banker E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://none Referred By: From a Friend Location: Coldwater Michigan Comments: Great page and great memories. I was in Phu Bai during '69 and '70. Does anyone remember the strike (nil heard). Got us more days off and a back gate to the PX. I worked the wideband mission under Sfc La Pierre most of the time I was there and was working the night the EM club was hit by a 122. "Top of the hour, get 'em up". Nice site keep up the good work. Compared to some Phu Bai was all right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 10/13/2000 4:55:50pm Name: rocco J. sgro E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: memphis, tennessee Comments: Serve with the 138th avn. co (rr) at DaNang & Phu Bai from Nov 69 to Nov 70. was aviation supply clerk. Looking for Eugene Scott and Steve Vincent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10/11/2000 2:41:26am Name: Don Boyd E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Syracuse, Indiana Comments: Stationed at Phu Bai 2/65 to 2/66. I was with the Marine detachment living in the tents at first, then the old barracks. Used to go to Hue on liberty first few months there, really enjoyed it. Would like to hear from other Marines who served there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/27/2000 9:14:51pm Name: Frank Wagley E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Moses Lake, Washington Comments: I was an 05H who arrived at the 8th in May of 1966, but went to the 330th in Aug. of same year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/26/2000 10:31:33pm Name: Danny (Nit) Whitt E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Tripod Location: Huntsville, Alabama Comments: I was a Crpyto Mech (Strawhat Project) in 68-69 at RRCUV. Trained with some of guys that went to 8thRRFS. Some of my stuff is shown on the RRCUV pages. home phone 256-650-3123 work phone 256-895-7666 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 09/21/2000 2:42:34am Name: Bill Romjue E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Missouri Comments: Appreciate the home page. Couldn't wait to get out of Phu Bai, but met lots of great people while I was there. Remember Chris Dlugokenski, Gerry Nadig, Tom Madden, Jim Black, Jerry U from Indiana, Steve Lantry, and a lot of others. Remember when the club had nothing but Crown Royal and Royal Crown? I'd love to hear from anyone and swap old stories. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/20/2000 4:39:37am Name: Mark E. McClave E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Portsmouth, Ohio Comments: Was at the 8th from Jul 68 to Feb 70 as an 05H. Worked the room next to df and ended up sitting the chinese position at the front of the room. I remember having two sets of head phones and using all four receivers at once. I have been in touch with Howard "Buzz" Gregory. Anyone remember Bob Philopena? Would like to contact him. Went on R & R to Singapore together. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/19/2000 6:37:39pm Name: Roy S.Reynolds E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Gatesville, TX Comments: I was there April 67-Apr68 05Hog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 09/15/2000 4:58:48pm Name: Bob Cornett E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Beatrice, Nebraska Comments: Great to see someone keeping ASA alive, especially Phu Bai. Served there as 05H20 from 64-65, permanent swings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/13/2000 6:04:32pm Name: Ronald Olsen E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Sycamore IL Comments: I am a History student at NIU doing research on the role of the 8th RRFS. I am especially interested in contacting anyone who was there in 1970. My father-in-law was at PhuBai then and I am trying to find other people who can help fill in gaps in what he remembers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/13/2000 6:39:01am Name: Harold A. Campbell E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Virginia Beach, VA Comments: Served at the 8th RRFS from March 1968 to March 1969. MOS was 33D at that time. Worked in SIG MAINT. Does anyone remember me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/05/2000 2:17:29am Name: Ashley Rutherford E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Ft. Worth. Tx Comments: I served with the MPs 65-69. I would like to hear from those who served with the MPs or played poker with us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/04/2000 9:03:49pm Name: Paul B. Elwell E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Vancouver, Washington Comments: Just wanted to let you know I was in Phu Bai in 1972/73. Sure does bring back the memories. Glad I found the ASA site. I spent time in Ankara, Turkey, Two Rock Ranch, Ca. Vent Hill Farms, VA. with the 303rd in Texas and Also HQ in San Antonio. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/04/2000 3:09:27pm Name: stoney burke E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: snyder texas Comments: It's been a long time ago --'67-68 at Phu Bai. I've been curious but never researched exactly what happened to the 8thRRFS after '72. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/04/2000 4:23:48am Name: Mike Hammel E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Roswell (Atlanta) Georgia Comments: Memories are made of this! I was in Phu Bai from about Feb '66 to Feb '67. 0582L68 (Secondary MOS was Spanish Linguist-Go Figure!). Started and "managed" the band (The Upsetters). We supported the grunts around us as well as the tours that came through the area-not to mention the clubs on the compound). I enjoyed almost all my time there (not too many sober ones, I must say!). Thanks for this platform. Hope I hear from some of my old drinking Buddies. We skated as much as we could but worked hard when we worked! Best to all of you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 09/02/2000 5:43:57am Name: Doug Peterson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: MN Comments: 05G, 1st tour 68-69 at the 335th RRC in Dong Tam in the Delta, DSU of the 9th inf div. Assigned to Ft. Hood, Tx. deros. Then got bored with garrison life, volunteered to go back to VN. Assigned to the 1st Plt 101st RRC, COMSEC in Phubai Aug 70-71. Had a C-Hut for quarters behind the old french baracks across from the library. Our Plt HQ was shared with PA&E almost across from the 8th Ops center. Our mission took the plt all over I corp. Our mission took us from Khe Sanh to Hoi An south of Danang. While at the 8thRRFS spent alot of time in the EM club, even after getting promoted to E5. Found the EM club more friendly. I had a friend, Garry, who worked in the S-2-3 office of HQ, He was a 05H who never worked his MOS. One time he and I decided to go to Danang for a weekend. He told his CO he was was being transported by the 1st Plt 101st RRC, and told my CO I was going with him on official mission. We had no real ride to Danang. We hitched a ride outside Phubai on an ARVN wrecker. We were dropped off just before the Hai van pass north of Danang in the sticks. Hitched a ride with a special forces 3/4 ton into Danang. Checked into the Danang MACV hotel. ( Danang was on limits.) had a great time, Hitched a ride back too Phubai on a C130. great site Wayne. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/31/2000 11:43:40pm Name: Jim E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Houston via Minnesota Comments: Just found your page...its very interesting. I had the good/bad fortune to spend a tour in beautiful downtown Phu Bai area. (69-70 8th RRFS grad)..will check back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/31/2000 4:01:42pm Name: Frank Albert E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Elizabeth City, NC Comments: Was there from Halloween until Halloween, '70-'71 WOW! that was 30 years ago! Came from Ditty City in Devens to Phu Bai. Also worked atop Hill 180 for several months. I was there when they built the new barracks and mess hall. Man, what a target! They painted everything WHITE! Looked pretty cool from on top of 180. I think I've got some pix somewhere, and I'll see about getting them uploaded. Thanks for the memories. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/30/2000 11:30:33pm Name: Denny Lefferts E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: New Mexico (formerly Pennsylvania) Comments: great pictures and stuff. Brought back some interesting memories. Phu Bai 6/66-6/67. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/30/2000 9:04:24pm Name: GARY NOWAK E-Mail: CTSPOP@AOL.COM Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: PUYALLUP, WA Comments: I was at 265th RRC, cp eagle from aug 68 to nov 68 as an 05g. Was company courier so got to Phu Bai 3 or 4 times a week. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/24/2000 5:44:17pm Name: Tom Mahoney E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Tripod Location: New Jersey Comments: Hi guys, Just dropped in for a look. I was 33D20 at 175th RRC from 12/69 til 12/70. Worked wideband/Allspice repairs with Sig Maint Plt. I made 2 tdy's up to your base to help out. You guys had nicer mud than we did in Bein Hoa! LOL. Hope everyone is doing OK these days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/22/2000 4:14:10pm Name: Richard Cahoon E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Born and raised cape cod NC Comments: I was in Phu Bai from May of 1966 until April of 1967.... then again from Aug of 1968 until April of 1969. I was an 05H . I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. I would also like to know the whereabouts of one Richard L. Onderdonk. I have been searching for him for years. Thank you so much for this sight. It brings back many memories. God bless all of you guys... welcome home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/19/2000 9:54:56pm Name: Johnny Blalock (Dawkins) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: California Comments: From 1964 - 1965 I served in the 3rd RRU, later the 8th RRU. Initially, I was the only supply clerk. The base was turned over to our unit by the Army of Vietnam. I was there for the transfer and cleanup. I don't remember specifically how many men were there, but not many. The war escalated shortly after I arrived. I remember the names of most guys in the unit. I arrived shortly before the Gulf of Tonkin incident. I would like to hear from any of you. I am currently in Chicago but my home is Berkeley, CA. I can provide concrete details on the base. My memory has held up about the place. Except I couldn't give many details about the inside of the compound where the 058s and 982s(!) worked. I have remained in contact with a few guys from that time. Looking forward to hearing from some of you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/18/2000 8:46:06pm Name: Joseph Baxter E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Pennsylvania Comments: Was assigned to to the Ground Control Element (GCE) of the 1st RR Co (Avn) located at the 8th RRFS from Nov 68 to Oct 69. I was a 98C. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/17/2000 5:22:47pm Name: William Stephens E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Signing another Guestbook Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Comments: Great site on Phu Bai, guys! I arrived in Phu Bai in 12/67 and finished my 1st tour in 12/68. Spent a lot of time on hills 180 and 230. I was in the USMC and saw you guys from hill 180. Brings back a lot of memories. Thanks, Bud Stephens -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/17/2000 2:59:28am Name: david buff E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Arkansas Comments: 8th rr group , 1964-1965 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/16/2000 4:01:24am Name: Dick Brooks E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Auburn CA Comments: 3rd RRU det J back in '64 glad I'm not there now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/15/2000 4:33:10pm Name: Samuel Avera (Sam) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Living in Olympia, WA Comments: I was in the 8th RRFS from 10/15/68 to 10/15/69. I have fond memories of the people who served there. For anyone who knew him, Vollie B. (Bruce) Keaton died about a year and a half ago. I'm retired from the Army and work for the State of Washinton as a Computer Scientist. I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/14/2000 0:57:19am Name: Mark Slaten E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Lapeer, MI. Comments: Great page! Was an O5H at 8th RRU/RRFS from March '67 - March '68. Anyone know the whereabouts of Mac Buck, Russ Wong or Bob Huss? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/11/2000 6:46:03pm Name: Jim Barton E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: From Belleville NJ, now in Oklahoma City Comments: Chased ditties in the Marine Company 11/66 - 11/67 as Cpl & Sgt, got to be the M60-guy in Bunker 26, then to Scotland! Looking back, if ya hadda be in RVN, Phu Bai was the place to do it. Seems like we all did a lotta good work, and I like to think we mighta saved a few American lives in the process. I remember a rare few names from the Army side, namely a Morse op named Takaki, worked in the room next to us ... supply guy named Robertson or Robinson (everyone called him Robby) ... Capt. Buffalo from the MP's ... and that lanky dude who ran the NCO Club & married Missy Ba. Hot showers, stone walls and corrugated roofs beat the he++ outta yer trailers fer living conditions ... at least until summer! Then, of course, it was time for the 8thRRFS Olympic Swimmming Meet at Cercle' Sportif pool in Hue. Ugly green water, but an absolute hoot of a competition. Still don't know who won what ... Hope y'all are well ... Jim Barton (SSgt USMC, 1964-70) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/10/2000 6:04:46am Name: John Plumhoff E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Baltimore, MD Comments: Served as O5D30 from 9/69-9/70. Room 5 in the Ops Building. (anybody remember being the "house mouse" or "the door jammer"?). Roomed in the dayroom for several weeks then to row E. Would enjoy "geezing" with any other "old" guys I crossed paths with. Joe Green from Miami, T-Bird from Brooklyn, SSG.V. Carter,who stayed in the exoctic east with his moose, Mark Robinette (and Lambert ,if he is still around!!) Bob Chancelari, Dennis Mitchell both from CA. "whoever thought ..that the one road we travelled ..would ever shatter and split" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/05/2000 4:36:18pm Name: Thomas Swinnerton E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Ohio Comments: Does anybody know the detail of the plane crash that killed Bill Stewart and others in 1967. He as on his way to R&R in Thailand. Billiar, Haaf and Thatcher thank for the good times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/04/2000 1:37:19am Name: Robert Sagl E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Pa. Comments: 05H from 69-70, any buddies get in touch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/02/2000 2:06:42am Name: Don Spencer E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Hanover, MD Comments: Stationed at Phu Bai from Apr 69 - Apr 70. Was a 98C20. Would like to hear from anyone that was there during this time frame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/01/2000 3:00:02pm Name: John Wagner E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Looking for David S Park of the 8th RRFS 72 anyone know him? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 07/30/2000 8:46:19am Name: dan lee E-Mail: danimal Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: alabama, now Frankfort, Il Comments: Just a note from a swabbie (former USN CTRSN) who served at the 8th with the USMC and USN crew. We lived in the stone barracks and I got to say this web-site is great. Heck I was not sure there were any ASA, CT or USMC crypto types left alive on the planet. I really enjoy the pics that are posted and all the memories that those pics brought back. It was a great time for me at the 8th, even ran into a high school classmate who was an ASAer. I'll check in often on this site. PhuBai was alright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 07/24/2000 12:46:46am Name: Chris Kruse E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Cincinnati, OH Comments: Sp/4 Chris Kruse...served as 32Delta in the ComCenter at the 8th Rock & Roll Freak Show from July '72 thru October '72 when we were evacuated south to Davis Station where I was assigned to the 176th RRFS (recentely evacuated from Bien Hoa (I think). We were then attached to the Vietnamese Joint General's Staff ComCenter (Whitebirch) at Gia Dinh. Evacuated RVN March '73 & Transferred to the 7th RRFS, Udorn, Thailand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 07/24/2000 2:49:58am Name: Gary O'Neal E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Garner, NC Comments: Great site!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 07/23/2000 1:01:51am Name: Rush W. Miller E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Tampa, FL Comments: Stationed at the 8th RRFS from 10-67 to 10-68. 98C20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 07/22/2000 2:14:58am Name: craig e. clark E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: california Comments: i was a charter member of the 265th rrc (101abn) i had the pleasure of spending some time at phu bai(sic) during tet of 1968. my main purpose is trying to find anyone out there that also served with the 265 from its beginning, ft. campbell, ky., until i left in 1969. thanks for alowing me to sign your guest book. it is a honor and a privledge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 07/20/2000 9:17:09pm Name: Wesley G. Antwine E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Jacksonville, NC Comments: I was at Phu Bai from 67-68. Was there as an 05D30 and went thru the big TET. I don't remember to many guys from those days. I sort of closed my mind to that time frame.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07/19/2000 4:38:26am Name: John Wagner E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Looking for David S Park of the 8th 72 anyone know him? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07/19/2000 2:43:24am Name: Tom Karvasales E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Indiana Comments: My name is Tom Karvasale and I served as a 98C30 at Phu Bai from November 1967 until November 1968. From there I went to ASAPACHQS at Helemano until 1971. TDY 509th Jan-Feb-Mar 1969 and TDY 7th RRFS for three months later that year. I was amazed that the "Lightehing Fast Chicken" were disbanded in 1975. I did get to enjoy TET 68 and recently have come across pictures which I will be happy to send when I get them organized. Pat "DOC" Moore and I managed to locate each other about two years ago but not sucessful finding anyone else. I wouldn't mind hearing from Pete Heidenriech. I still don't play Bridge that well. Has anybody heard from CWO Dave Holder, Gunny Boggs (marine contingent) or Mr. Sutherland. I was very close by when the trailor was taken out by the 122mm rocket. Since i am rapidly developing CRS sydrome, I can't remember where the DODSPECREPS moved but I think it was to a tent. I wonder if there is anyone else out there that threw something in the minefield and put the whole base on alert? Glad to hear from anyone who remembers me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 07/17/2000 6:54:35am Name: James T. Bennett E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: San Diego, CA Comments: Served at the 8th RRFS from Feb 67 to Feb 68. Was a mid shift TA man in Ops. Also served at 177th ASA in Korea from Jan 66 Jan 67, and at JSPC, Okinawa from Apr 68 to Jan 70. Sure would like to hear from some of the old ASA ganf, Cody Collins, Doug Crabtree, Jim Bacon, the Mad Humper (Arnett), et al.!! Went by "Jim". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07/12/2000 4:48:15am Name: CURT E-Mail: Homepage Title: 8thRRFS Homepage URL: Referred By: htmlGEAR Location: Delaware Comments: Dont feel bad... I'm responding to Bobbys note below... I had myself in FooBye in 69 for years... finally realized I got there in 70. Had to change all the grafix on the site. DUH! Curt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/11/2000 8:53:21pm Name: Bobby Bates E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Fort Worth, Texas Comments: I know I'm getting old when I put the wrong years on my time at the 8th. I was there on the dates I said, except 1967 to 1968! Sorry about that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/11/2000 8:32:47pm Name: Bobby Bates E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Fort Worth, Texas Comments: I was at the 8th from Aug. 12,1966 to about July 25, 1967 and the pics from there bring back a lot of memories, especially those of the damage from the Tet Offensive. I lived it D row of the trailers and worked in Electronic Maintenance Shop in ops building. Thanks for the memories. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 07/08/2000 5:24:47am Name: Doug Wulf E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Lakewood, WA Comments: It was great to read all the comments and peruse your site. I enlisted in the ASA, because the recruiter told me I would be working intelligence. When I asked him what a Morse Interceptor was, he said, "I can't tell you, it's classified." I was hooked, like a big fish, after that. Devens from 65/66, Phu Bai Apr66-Jun68, TRRS Sep68-Mar69. I worked in room 5(?), next to DF. Room Sup was SP5 "Baby" Huey - may he rest in peace, passed away last year. Remember Dittember, Bourne, SP5 Williams ( another Rm Sup), Scales from DF, Tom Williams in MARS Station (also from Devens), SSG Terry Hurst (Swing Trick Chief), SSG Gould, SSG Smith, 1SG Hawk, Onerdonk, Duggins, Kai, and many more who's names elude me at this time. I remember the EM and NCO clubs, Ghi and all the other girls, Charlie (who shined our shoes and washed our uniforms and dried them in water buffalo dung), working on the swimming pool, filling sandbags, guard duty, being bunker commander of a star bunker, rocket and mortar attacks, Tet 68, bugs in the bread, powdered eggs, WWII C-Rats and cigarettes, ammo dump going up, grass fire spreading toward chlorine gas tanks by ammo dump and everyone being told to get their gas masks, ROK soldier teaching Tai Kwon Do, Puff The Magic Dragonship, cutting off the Marine's water supply because they mortared us with tear gas, mortar crew blowing up their NCOIC with a short round and sending him back to the World early, mortar crew firing in support of Marine's in firefight by airport, and blowing some of them away (Marine CO told our CO our people could only fire flares after that), the goat and chickens, Zip Guard, PA&E civilians - some of them actually spooks, SF SOG unit up the road, ROK unit overrun by sappers up the road and we had to go destroy their equipment, the Indian's shop off post, VC POW's at the airport, and many other events. I really remember CPT Jack Easton of the 138th. He was my 2nd Lt. Plt. Ldr. in Basic Training at Ft. Ord. Next time I saw him, he was walking into Ops in a flight uniform and a CPT. We spent some time together, having a few drinks, catching up on old times, along with WO Smith (who crashed on takeoff and lost his right seater - some CPT in Dec 67. One thing that really stands out was an Armored Major. He had a meeting with all of us, and told us how messed up the ASA was and that only Armored was the best unit. He said that comic books were the most purchased items in the PX, by the 8th. He then went on to say that we should be reading something else if we were so intelligent. I remember the next statement. "You guys are supposed to be the top 10% of the Army, yet you read comic books. Of course you know, 'All Scum Floats.'" Sorry for the rambling, but reading these comments starts bringing back stuff I thought I had forgotten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 07/07/2000 11:37:46pm Name: Rodney J. Lee E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: originally form Hawaii ,now in Oklahoma Comments: Served there in 66 to 67 than transfered to Chu Chi in march of 67. 05H forever. This is a nice site, if any one knows me please feel free to email me anytime as I am retired from government service and 100% disabled from sevice in Vietnam ,1972 incident. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 07/07/2000 10:48:49am Name: Ross Evans E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Originally Perth, Australia, now Hong Kong Comments: Thanks for this site, a blast from the past! I was at the 8th RRU from Feb-Oct 66 working for Page Communications Engineers. We built the dish antenna and communications buildings at the east end of the base. I lived in the trailers just west of the MP hooches, when we weren't downtown. Life as a civilian at Phu Bai was pretty easy, we ate, drank and played the slots at the officers' club, were paid good money, went downtown whenever we liked (almost), wherever we liked (almost), had some great times. From Phu Bai I moved with Page to Saigon, then to a remote mountain top near Dalat, on to Cam Ranh Bay, then was in Vinh Long during the Tet offensive. Our house was strategically positioned at the roundabout joining three roads, one into town, one to the airbase and the other out to Can Tho, with the Vietnamese Naval Base behind us. The VC tried to take our house the night of January 30, 1968, but we were heavily armed, thanks to an Aussie, an ex-WW2 and Korea vet who worked with the Chieu Hoi program trying to convert VC to "our" side. This guy was out in the field all day with his ex-VC team but didn't fully trust them and at night kept all their weapons and ammunition stored in his house, one of four sharing a common rooftop. We had an M-60, a Thomson, a number of grease guns, numerous M14s and M-16s, several weapons each in fact, with plenty of ammunition and grenades. The seven of us on that rooftop were pretty busy for a few hours until dawn broke, keeping about 30 VC pinned down in the Esso service station and market across the road. They lost several men that night but we all got through without a scratch. That experience brought me to my senses and I left Vietnam soon after that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 07/06/2000 8:16:58pm Name: Robert L. Bagshaw E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Aliquippa, PA-Manassas, VA Comments: 8th RRFS Sept 9, 1970 to Feb ??, 1971 Det. C/J, 7th RRFS, Ubon Thailand Feb, 1971 to Sept. 1971 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 07/06/2000 4:08:58am Name: ronald g. skinner E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: massena, new york Comments: serve in phi bi , 1966 to 1967, and 1969 to 1970, first year I was the night baker for the year, 2nd year I worked in the officer's club , left phi bi as an e-5 retired in 1988 as an e-8 ronald g. skinner msg ret -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 06/28/2000 1:58:27pm Name: John Kennedy E-Mail: Duster331@aol Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Manassas Va Comments: I was told about this site from a friend. I was at the 8 th RRFS from Mar 68-Mar 69. I was an 05H. Some of the guys I remember are Pat Shaw, Pittman, Paul Worthington, Terry Mc Guire. Sure would love to hear from any of them. This is a great web site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/27/2000 7:57:10pm Name: Eddie Cantrell E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Marietta, Okla. Comments: I was in Phu Bia from Oct. 64 to Oct. 65. I was a DF analyst in the SIT section. Work with guys named Bundy, Lee,and Lackey. If anybody remembers me I would appreciate a call back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/27/2000 12:38:33am Name: THOMAS J. POTTER E-Mail: TJP1929@AOL.COM Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Viewing another Guestbook Location: NEW HAMPSHIRE Comments: served at phu-bai from jan 67 to jan 68, after being transferred from the 335th rrc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 06/21/2000 6:33:54am Name: Randy Sutton E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: omaha, nebraska Comments: Went to the Valley of the Dead in 1971. 8th RRFS MP. Drafted and sent at 19. Hated the back gate (on the east side) but really hated duty on the south and out by the ammo dump. I was there when the "troops" left and the mortar duties were turned over to us. I remember a large sign saying "WE KILL BUFFALO DON'T WE". Larry Smith and I keep in touch. Went to devens in OCT/NOV 1972. First in Last Out! Keep Cool......As info, I have AMYLOID PROTEIN disorder, which was just diagnosned in early 2000. Eats away the good muscle because your body thinks it has a LONG STANDING infection. I have been relatively healthy since 1972 but now I am wondering? Any other guys have severve weakness,fatigue or other abnormal shit? Not looking to place a blame but I am really at odds with this SOB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 06/19/2000 9:24:05pm Name: Jerry Taylor E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Clintwood, VA Comments: 8th RRU from 3/65 to 4/66. With Rodney Allen, Richard Coffey, Charlie Bauman, etc. on Hill 180. Then to Herzo Base, discharged 5/68. Enlisted Virginia National Guard 2/81, Desert Storm 90/91. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 06/19/2000 0:16:43am Name: Ed Joyner E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Viewing another Guestbook Location: Ind. now TEXAS Comments: Was a 982(c) trick chief -swings & mids aug 66 aug 67. Back again very briefly Apr 68 then out to the 265th RR Co. till Apr 69 then to Ft Meade. Back again after Taiwan closed Aug 72 until Nov 72. The PEOPLE were great. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 06/17/2000 0:08:06am Name: Lynn Foth E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Wisconsin org Now Dallas Tx Comments: Served at the 8th from May 66 to May 67. Haven't looked at the pictures yet but will. Was a 98c on Evening and Night tricks at various times. Remember the Pool and Tennis Courts. Lived in the trailers next to the NCO's. Still remember a midnight GI party the NCO's thought we ought to have until One of the guys played "reveille rock" and woke up the NCO's. No more midnight GI parties. I also was at Torii in 65 and after VN was at Ft Meade. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 06/12/2000 11:29:13pm Name: George Duggins E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Chesapeake, Virginia Comments: O5H May 66 - Dec. 67 Live in a trailer with Marvin Pickens William Overcash, Michale Judd. Boy I would like to find those guys. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 06/11/2000 4:48:55pm Name: Ron Waldron E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Falls Church, VA Comments: I was the 8th RRFS Reporting OIC from 9/69 - 4/70. Had tech con for three forward sites. Set up the JTPC at Dong Hoa compat base in 1970. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 06/11/2000 2:17:41pm Name: Tim Currie E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I was a 98C who was levied out of the 4th RRFS (Asmara, Ethiopia) in April 1968 and arrived at the 8th RRFS in May 1968. I stayed there until March 1969. I remember the mamasans doing laundry, the DODSPECREPS, the ever running showers/toilets, the consistency of the dehydrated eggs, the ever present hot sauce/ketchup, the Diana Dawn Show (she wore no bra with her clear plastic blouse, but had military patches strategically placed),the rain, and chicken noodle soup while on guard duty on the perimeter. My room mates were named Steve (last name unknown) from somewhere in Washington, Mike a guy who practiced martial arts, and another soldier whose name (but not face) eludes me. Later on we were joined by a guy named Ron, who came to our room from a unit out in the bush somewhere. I remember a guy named Floyd (Jay) Sergent, who lived in Miami, I think. He was my first line supervisor. There was also a coworker named Moser, who I saw years later and he was a warrant officer. I don't have a lot of clear memories of names. Nearly all of the photos I have of the time spent there were destroyed in the divorce wars that followed my return from Vietnam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 06/11/2000 1:00:44am Name: John E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Cross Junction, Virginia Comments: I am looking for some information about my father. His name was Bill Stackhouse. He served in Vietnam late 70 thru 72. He spent time in berlin in 69. He has a boonie hat that says 8th RRFS Mortar. It also says PHU BIA 71 72. He was in the 101 AIRBORNE. His dress uniform has a pin on both shoulder lapels that says "Always Vigilant". The pin has a lightning bolt a feather and two other symbols. I can't make out what they are. He spent 40 days at Ft. Manmouth N.J. I was adopted when I was little and never saw my father. I just found my birth mother and she told me that my father passed away 6 April 2000. He had a neuro blastoma, cancer of the sinuses. If anyone has any information about my father I would greatly appreciate it. I just met his family, my grandmother , my aunts and my uncle. They did not even know he was Airborne until I saw the shoulder patch of the Screamin Eagle. Thanks, John. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 06/07/2000 2:11:19am Name: Ric Moser E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Hudson, FL Comments: Was an 05H at the 8th from February 1968 until September 1969. Worked there with SFC Joe Varner, Gary Younts, Dave Speck and Paul Alligood. Any of my compadres out there? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 06/01/2000 2:41:21am Name: Michael Zinn E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Now in Yorba Linda, CA Comments: Was at the 8th from 4/67 to 4/68, as an 05H20, working swings under Staff Sergeant Robert Wallace. Am in contact with Ken Carroll, Russell Furth and Tom Maloney. Ken and I roomed with Ronald Staph and another gentleman. Would like to hear from my peers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/29/2000 2:36:13am Name: Dan A. Scott E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Oklahoma Comments: I served in the ASA from 1968-71..spent time at the 8th RRRS, Phu Bai from April, 69 to October 69..then moved to the 175th at Ben Hoa. I remember the rocket attacks at Phu Bai..the only scar I came home with is still on my chin after an attack. I was in the EM club when the 122's started outside wall crumbled as several of us O5H'ers sat in stunned silence..the sirens began as we stumbled back to the tent to get our gear and make it to the trench...I managed to stumble over a tent stake and. fall on my rifle (M-14) bolt..splitting my chin wide open..needless to say.. I sobered up rather quickly.. I'm still looking for buddies from that time frame.. Bob Bush (Baltimore), Warren Halverson, JD Randolph (North Carolina).. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/28/2000 3:53:53am Name: Jim Fishel (Alfy) (Arab) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Canton, Ohio Comments: I was in the 8th RRU from April 66 to April 67. I guess it didn't change names til December of 67. I was a straight days ditty bopper.. 22 on 1 off. 28 on 1 off whatever they wanted ya know? If anyone found a '65HHS class ring in the sand at the end of the trailers let me know!! One of those football games!--- I think I was in D4. I was also on the post softball team and the O5H team. Our amphitheater was the side of the mess trailler. Fastest alert we had was when we were watching Thunderball. If anybody remembers this part of the war and me give me an e-mail. I don't recall any of the names that I've seen here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 05/26/2000 4:34:36pm Name: Jim Randolph E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Bethlehem, PA Comments: Hello everyone- Great site! Seems I stop in about this time each year. I was at PhuBai Nov/71-Oct72, which seems to be mostly after the period when the 8th was suppose to have been moved to DaNang according to the main web page info. ? I know I was at PhuBai because DaNang was getting hit more than we were, or rather the airport. I worked in the Com Center - 32F2T. Anyone know a John Mueller or Hank Walker from that period? Have a good, safe, Memorial Day! -jim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 05/23/2000 6:29:03pm Name: Mike Geary E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Reno, Nevada Comments: I served at Tri Bac Station (8th RRFS) with the Navy detachment as a buck sergeant jarhead in 1971. It looks like the ops building in the early days became the USO when I was there. Funny war for us then - we couldn't even go outside the wire - and our weapons were locked up down the road and guarded by marvin the arvn. We were more afraid of the hundred and worst than the NVA. All they seemed to do really well was race riot and frag each other. Anybody who was there then - e-mail me.Semper Fi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/14/2000 4:50:20am Name: Mike McGinn E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Laurel, MD Comments: I just found this page. Very interesting. I was in B Co. 5th Trans BN. Sept. 69-Aug. 70. Things were very quiet. Guess we were lucky and had it better than a lot of guys. Thanks for the page and the photos that survived. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 05/09/2000 0:14:11am Name: DARRELL WITTE E-Mail: DWITTE@FARMLANDINS.COM Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: IOWA CITY, IOWA Comments: The second levy after Tet caught me up in the rush to Phu Bai from my hiding place in the foot hills of the mountains of appalachia called Vint Hill Farms Station. I arrived at Phu Bai on 4/24/68 and departed 8/4/68. I was a "Hung Op" o5h from the 7th RRFS in Udorn and the 5th RRU in Bangkok but wasn't worth a shit to the mission at the 8th. I was there for so short a time that I never did have a clue what was going on around me. And in typical military fashion I was awarded the frist E5 stripe to come down in months immediately after my arrival. I only remember two people from Phu Bai; Adams & Parker, who were "Dog Robbers" and had the corner on the laundry concession at that time. I don't remember the names of my trailer mates. I remember well their chagrin when I received the first Spec Five stripe to come down. And it must have been particularly galling to them to watch the "New Guy" depart before any of them; even the Spec 5 old timer who had extended for an early release from the military. He did own a refrigerator though and that (next to the air conditioner) was the most important feature of that trailer. R&R was great too. Not that I got to go in the short time that I was there but when others went they brought back the sustaining bottle of gin that kept me going, (Along with the large cans of grapefruit juice that Parker supplied from the mess hall for a small fee of course). In Phu Bai some guys did drugs, I did Grey Hounds. The reason for my private tippling was that after Tet the club was closed down because the brass didn't want intoxicated troops in the trenches. The 8th was my last Duty Station out of four and the one that I never thought I would experience. Today, I still don't know quite what to make of it. I have blocked a lot of it out of my memory. Now that I have discovered this Web Site I look forward to learning a little bit more about the 8th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/07/2000 8:45:02am Name: Don Riley E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Maryland Comments: 337th Signal Co, Phu Bai, Aug 69 to Jul 70, Constructed TRC-111 site at 8th R&R's front door in Apr 70 (? Hey we all are having a problem with memory) 26L20 Primary duty site 24th Corp Tropo. Attached to 396th then moved to Whiskey Trac Tropo on the perimeter of the CB compound and 100 yds from runway. CB compound later over run by the 101st. Spc 5 Don Riley -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 05/05/2000 10:19:44pm Name: Smitty (David Smith) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Birmingham, Al. Comments: 8th RRFS, 05H20, Room 6, June 1968 - January 1970. Worked DAZE. Room supervisor for a few months. Good friends with many folks. Waters,Red Dog, Bougar, Moose, Alexander many more. Played on "B" Company football team in 1969 season (Mud Bowl). Went to 83rd RRSOU in Bangkok Jan '70. Then to 7th RRFS at Udorn when 83rd closed in Oct. '70. ETS April '71. Great WEB site. Also, looked at 7th RRFS website. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 05/04/2000 5:38:18pm Name: Tom Trowbridge E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Locust Grove, VA 22508 Comments: 058.2 March 65 > April 66. Drafted for the extra month like everybody else. From there to VHFS. And then to the 372nd RRC, PRD-1 team Jan. 67 > May 68. Looking for a couple of buddies from Phu Bai, Paul Ward and Joe Holmes----Joe was from Southern Cal. and Paul was from Detroit unless memory fails. Does anyone out there have the scoop on these guys? I'd love to hear from any of you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 05/03/2000 6:43:02pm Name: Chuck Riggin E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Currently Augusta, Georgia Comments: I proudly served at the 8th Radio Research Field Station at Phu Bai from May 1969 to May 1970. I was the Signal NCO in Operations for several months and then as First Sergeant of HQS and HQS Company the rest of my tour. I am always wondering what may be left of the ole base there and of the many devoted military folks that worked there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 05/03/2000 5:12:53pm Name: Wayne Brooks E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Chesapeake Virginia Comments: There 69-70, Well, a lot of fond memories came back, I think I know you Buck Buchanon. When you were at Phu Bai. That's right, Sig Maint. I was on the 50 cal team and carried the spare barrel sometimes. Good to see that patch. Glad you are well. You wore the Cracked Strawberry patch. I was a 33D20. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, a George Smith was on that team with an x cook named Lesh and another guy from the Mid West who wanted to be a state policeman. George and Lesh were body builders. I think George was from New Jersey. Those $0.25 shots of booze were my worst enemy. Lots of stories, can't do them all now. Good site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/01/2000 10:23:39pm Name: Randy Smith E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Virginia Comments: Served at Phu Bai Nov 1966 thru Nov 1967, O5H20, Swings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/25/2000 5:19:58pm Name: Jerry W. Wilson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://none Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Blowing Rock, North Carolina Comments: I sure like your page about Phu-Bai.I was at Camp Eagle just out side of Phu-Bai.I went there ever day because our TTP was there.Iwas with the 585th. Trans.Company 1970-1971.We took amo to all the fire basses north.If anybody see this and was there at this time please e-mail me at Thank you and GOD BLESS ALL VET'S. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/25/2000 3:43:13am Name: Joe Krebs aka Joey Peace E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Is there anyone who remembers me out there? I was at Phu Bai in 70 and 71 I drove the duece and a half that took you to the airport. I live in atlanta Ga now Have contact with Charles Jackson and David Edwards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/19/2000 7:26:34am Name: Dave Hoffman E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://n/a Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Cottage Grove, Oregon Comments: I was at Phu Bai from Nov 70 to May 71 as an 05D30.....War is hell, life's a Bitch, But Phu Bai Is All Right. Seeing the pictures brings back a flood of memories, most of which were experienced under the influence of alcohol. Great Site!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/19/2000 2:00:51am Name: Ira E. Andrews SFC Ret. E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Xoom Location: Houston,TX Comments: Assigned to the 8th Precinct (Military Police)from Oct 67 to July 69, spent last six months or so on the outer perimeter as NCOIC with CPT Bean. I was on duty at the MP station when the rocket hit the Officer BOQ, remember our payroll was in the front right room of the trailer with the Finance Officer. Have some good memories and some bad ones. Like to hear from the guys MP and others at 8th . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 04/16/2000 2:50:06am Name: Alan Paul Romanowicz E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: NJ Comments: In Phu Bai, 1964 to 1965, when it was 3rd RRU DET J, o56/o57. Was there when we shared area with the ARVIN and Rats. Saw build up, trailers, bunkers, trenches, and the marines comming in arcoss the road at the air field. Boy did prices go up in Hue. Left the month MPC was introduced to VN. 1049to 600 ASA, ravenna,san Vito, Vicenza. 600 disbanded 1997, transfered to Herzo Base finished 1963-1967 came home passed go and collected 200. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/11/2000 2:19:18pm Name: Jimmy LeCroy(LC) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Jimmy LeCroy's 371st RRC Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Moncks Corner SC Comments: Thanks for the great page. Never made it to Phu Bai but saw lot of the Vietnam country side. I was with the Fighting 371st RRC from June 66 to Nov 67I was an 058 and PRDF1 (what a fantistic machine) operator. I have been trying to find Larry C. Wray for 35 years. He was an 05H, about 6'4" with dark hair. Larry was at Torii sta 51st SOC when I left in 66 I heard He went to Vietnam in 67 and never went back home. Larry was from Richmond Va. Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/04/2000 9:32:27pm Name: Mac Tippins E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Dallas, Tx Comments: Great site! It reminds me that Phu Bai was, indeed, FUBAR. I was TDY to the 138th as a RU8-D ARDF pilot during Lam Son 719 (early '71). We spent many hours in the skies over the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, the A Shau Valley, and the DMZ area. After Lam Son I returned to the 1st RR at Cam Ranh Bay where we continued to frag up over Tchepone and environs in the SP-2Es. I've got some great pics of Hue, the Trail, the A Shau, and the Dong Ha/DMZ area --- if you are interested. I have seven+ years until retirement as an airline pilot, I am an aviation writer, and I still do the dits and dahs as a Ham radio operator --- K9STR --- mostly QRP like the NVA! .-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- . / .... --- -- . / ... --- .-.. -.. .. . .-. ... ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/04/2000 2:47:30am Name: Greg Cook E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: ChicagoI Comments: I was stationed at Tan My Island ( Eagle Beach) east of Hue Jul70-Jul71. Would come down to Phu Bai to the PX. Also caught planes for DaNang at the air base. Knew a couple guys in the 101st. The Burning Rat Story by Roger P. Blake was a trip. I had a similar experience, but we managed to burn down a hootch. If anyone has anything on TanMy drop a note. Thanks for the memory. GDC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 04/02/2000 3:24:36am Name: joe ralph E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: australia Comments: well goodday mates i was in nam in 69 70 i'am an aussie navy and was attached to the 135th AHC us army in nam, our unit web site is its great to see some of you guys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 03/26/2000 0:24:02am Name: Reilly L. Platt E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Live fifteen minutes from the main gate at Devens Comments: 058 who after Devens and the 313th DSU @ Ft Hood (where my bunkmates were three friends of one of the earliest names on the Wall, Sp4 Davis) then spent two years at Torii Station. After an interlude of a few years I found myself at Trai Bac Station in May 68 and left that sunny land the following February of 69. While there I skated out of Ops to the Mars Station and only vicariously participated in the famous strike that an Armor Lt Col precipitated as I recall. I'll never forget the med evac choppers hovering over the pool, or the guy in agony at the bottom of the pole I climbed to piece together com wire taken out by a late Tet offensive rocket. I was lucky, I called home every day for a couple of months, a 20cent call through the Ft Monmouth Mars station. I spent a total of six years in the Agency and learned a lot in that time. Not the least of which is to have a healthy skepticism about the motives and abilities of people up at the top who putatively think they know what they are doing. Hello to all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 03/21/2000 11:29:53pm Name: Jim Laflen E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://zip Referred By: From a Friend Location: Frankfort , Indiana Comments: Great site, I was with the 138th at Phu Bai from 6/71 til 10/72 05H20 flew the not so friendly skys of lovely south east asia love to here from anyone who was there at the time or anyone else at that matter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/17/2000 9:54:44pm Name: Jeff Smith E-Mail: Homepage Title: Haven't established one yet. Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Indianapolis, Indiana Comments: I was stationed at Phu Bai from Jan 68 to Jan 69. I worked in Signal Maintenance. I remember Buck Churchill, Ed Small, Zadra, Hyde, Powell, Brinkman. My wife is Vietnamese, we met in the US. I have been back to Viet Nam 8 times since 1993 but not to Phu Bai. Would like to hear from some of my old buddies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/17/2000 7:51:06pm Name: Francis Nixon E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Net Search Location: Poteau, OK Comments: Was at Phu bai Jan of 70 on my way to 407th RR Det at Quang Tri. Caught a couple of the people I knew in the pics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 03/14/2000 1:51:45am Name: John G. Greenlaw Jr. C bat 2/94 Arty XXIV CORPS E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Bristol Conn. 06011 Comments: I have found your web site very nice. I WILL RETURN AGAIN. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/10/2000 10:03:40pm Name: Steve Mitchell E-Mail: Homepage Title: MITCHELL LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Manassas, VA Comments: I was 05H diddybopper at Phu Bai Mar 67-68. I posted some pics here on Curt's website a couple of weeks ago. Heard from a couple of you guys. Just got my own website up a few days ago at Come see where I've been for 32 years and let me know where you have been. Keep up the good work Curt; its' great hearing from those folks from "in-country!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/06/2000 3:05:46am Name: DANA SWISHER E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement Location: ft. lauderdale, fla. Comments: I made several TDY trips to the nam.I was with the TTST (outside crew) out of HQ ASAPAC. Our team was at every RR station in the far east and southeast asia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/04/2000 1:43:58pm Name: Larry Hinton E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Alexandria La. Comments: I was with the 7RRFS in 70 and then went to Nam with the 138th Avn Co. at Phu Bai. There I went to Ft. Huachuca Az. at the Test & Eval co there. I got an early out and left the Army. It's greak to see all the old pics about the ASA Greak job. Larry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/27/2000 8:44:31pm Name: Don Fulton E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Walnut, California Comments: Found a listing of guys who were at 8th RRFS at the time I was there and didn't know if anyone was interested in the listing, but have promotion orders with RA #'s and SSAN's on them from 26 Sept. 1968. If someone is interested, I will gladly post a message with the entire listing, so email a response and tell where to send and it will be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/17/2000 0:01:45am Name: Robert Parsons E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Martinsville, Indiana Comments: Great site. Good to see the pictures and hear the descriptions of Phu Bai. I was an 05H and was at Ft. Devens in the winter of 1965-66. Arrived at Phu Bai on May 31, 1966 and did one tour with an extension and left just before Tet of 68 (lousy luck..huh?) Went to Berlin and got out of the ASA in June of 69. Had the knickname of "Fat Albert" and when not at the OPS building I could be generally found in various degrees of inebriation at the club. I worked at the club cooking hamburgers just before I left. I remember Missy's Loan, Ghi and some of the others. Tuy and Hoa were our houseboys in trailer C I think, but it could have been D.Have not been too good at staying in touch with the ASA guys either but I wish I had. I was thwere when the Ammo dump blew...what a show. Was on one of the mortar crews as well. I remember attending a memorial service for 4 or 5 ASA guys that died in a C-130 crash after taking off from the airfield. Several were on thier way home. Used to go into Hue a lot and hang out at the Citadel. This was before TET of 68 of course. Also remember visiting a corrugated tin shack up the road from the compound where the young ladies were very accomodating and inexpensive as I recall. Remember cleaning up a compound of our ARVN counterparts that was over-run by the VC, one of whom was still partially in the perimiter wire. Does anyone remember the trips out to the barge in Hue to pick up fruit? How about the Indian's shop just inside the gate or the "beer" softball games that never seemed to make it past 3 innings. I remember that the ultimate luxury was having an air conditioner that blew cold. So much for random rambling. Would like to hear from some of you. Some names I remember: Brady Bedford, John Lyons, Vance Scoggins, Terry Smith, Carrol Baugh, Larry "Stubby" Hunt, Bill Freeman, Lyle Stokes, Zell Ansley, Jay Hubbard, Russ Shick,Robert Kadgihn, Richard Schwantz. Thanks for the site....Bob Parsons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/16/2000 1:33:10am Name: Bob Minott E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Rockland, Maine - On the ocean. Comments: This is a really nice site! I was a 72b at CRS Saigon and sent many messages to you guys. Before that I was at PCRS Clark, Philippines and USASAFS Hakata, Japan. March 1968 to 1974. I really loved communications then and it still amazes me now.Thanks for keeping it alive with this great site.Hoa Binh (Peace)Bob -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/14/2000 7:18:23am Name: Gordon Kaaiakamanu E-Mail: Homepage Title: Gordon's Hawaiian Homepage Homepage URL: Referred By: From a Friend Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii Comments: Hello, I've browsed your website before but never signed your guestbook. I was sent here by Doug 'Wulfman' Wulf. We first made contact in a Yahoo BB that I setup for Phu Bai Veterans. It turned out, we were stationed at Ft. Devens(same barracks/05H nightschool) and Phu Bai together. Anyway, I left Ft. Devens in Apr 1966 and got to Phu Bai around the end of May66 or mid June66. Remember Davis Station in Saigon, and the long plane ride up to Phu Bai. I extended for 6mos and finally left Phu Bai in Dec 1967 for the 83rd RRSOU, Bangkok, Thailand. Did some TDY at the 7th RRU, Ramasun Station, Udorn, Thailand. Left Bangkok, June 1969 and ETS July 2, 1969 (4 years exactly to date of my enlistment July 2, 1965). Have lived here in Hawaii since my ETS. I experienced some great times and some not so good times. Met lots of friends while in ASA(I wish I could remember names, its been awhile). Would be nice to hear from anyone who remembers this 'Hawaiian pineapple'.....I remember being called that because guys had a hard time with my name(especially at mail call). Lot a buddies called me, 'Kai'. Thanks for letting me put this message here. Aloha. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/12/2000 1:31:02am Name: Larry Spradlin E-Mail: larrys53346 Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: McGehee, Arkansas, now living in Houston, Texas Comments: 1st duty Station out of Devens was Torii Station June 67-Feb 69, 2nd duty station was VHFS til Dec 69 3rd Phu Bai Jan 70-April 70-worked the Dip nets 4AM-4PM, 4th station 265th RRU with the 2nd Plt at Camp Evans worked many different FSB's til ETS in Sept 70. Re-enlisted in Oct 70 and went to USASAFS TAIWAN Shu Lin Kou Air Station from Dec 70 til Feb 72. Went back TDY to Ft Devens from Feb 72 to Jun 72 for Basic NCOES. Was sent to Homestead AFB Seminole Station due to Tricky Dicky reconizing Red China. Married Chinese National July 72 and requested being dropped from the Agency before my spouse was granted a wavier, didn't want to go to Germany. Reclassifed 05C and sent to Ft. Bliss at El Paso for my last 3 1/2 years in the Army. ETS'ed in November 76 and moved to Houston for the last 24 years. This Webpage has brought back a lot of good memories to me, keep up the good work and if anyone out there remembers me at the different field stations I served please drop me an E-mail and talk over the good times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/10/2000 8:05:55pm Name: Paul Betit E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Brunswick, Maine Comments: I was a 98C20 stationed at the 8Th from March 1966 until June 1967. I lived in the trailer next to the BEQ. When I was there, we built the swimming pool. Also, both the EM and NCO clubs were refurbished. For a time, the lower-ranking EM were allowed to go to the NCO club. Then, the NCOs were allowed to go to our club. The thing I remember most about Phu Bai were the movies, a different one everyday. I remember watching the "Battle of Bulge" in the ampitheatre on the road from the main gate during a Marine firing mission. Great special effects with 155mm shells swooshing through the air overhead. Spent my last two years in the Army at 4th USASAFS in Asmara, in Ethiopia. Unfortunaly, haven't kept up with any mu Viet Nam buds. Espcecially interested in hooking with Chuck Hammond, who was the production branch's clerk when I was there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/09/2000 0:28:22am Name: Bruce Pease E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Morrisville, N.C. (Mass. originally) Comments: Found this website while surfing ... sure has rekindled some really old memories. I was a 98B20 assigned to B Company, 8th RRFS from Sep 28, 1971 'till Sep 24, 1972. If think I originally 'lived' in F-row, but later moved into one of the big, white two-story 'targets' that were built in early 1972. When I wasn't hangin' out in the 'Black Hole' in OPS, I played 'rear gunner' on Uncle Meat. I remember being in the bunkers closest to the Ammo dump when it 'went-up' in early July '72 ... what a light show! Anyhow, this is a great website ... it's been a long time since I thought about my days in Phu Bai. By the way, are there any other crypies out there ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 02/08/2000 3:16:22am Name: Seford R. Olsen (Ole) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Lycos Location: Leesburg Fl Comments: 98C , PAR Clerk, Swimming Pool guard. 23 November 1970 thru 23 November 1971. What a time. Spent last 1 1/2 year at Vint Hill Farms. That place too is closed down. They are slowly taking it apart. Wonder about our house mouse Phu. Never did get to live in the concrete barracks, gave that thrill to someone else. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 02/08/2000 3:06:19am Name: allen avritt E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: sublette, kansas Comments: Hi All! Man, this is a great web page! It brings back a lot of memories. I was at the 8th from Mar. '67 to Sept. '69. I guess I was in trailer house "b" row anyway I was in the one next to the Officer's one that was blown away. A piece of schrapnel came through the wall and tore my pillow and blanket up. I had a "Frankenstien" blanket for a long time. I'd like to hear from anyone there during my time; its been a long time. Some of the guys I remember are Bridges; Hemingway; Boyd; Julian; Tibbs; Koon (Coon); Rice; and "Mac" Mc Gregor. Lots of others but my memory fails me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 01/21/2000 4:28:33pm Name: Dennis Hollowed E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Ventura,Ca Comments: I arrived at Phu Bai when we were Detactment j of the 3rd RRU,January 1964. Stayed until end of September 1965.Think there were 16,000 Americans in country when I arrived -over 100,000 when I left- got to see a lot of changes. Might be remembered as the guy who ran the PX.(Phu Bai Field Exchange). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/31/1999 5:10:09am Name: Michael R Healy E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Roseburg Oregon Comments: Good site was an 05d.20 from ft devens dec 64, Torii station dec 65-jun 67 and Phu Bai until discharge sept 68 have fond memories of all the places. Looking Harry (scotty) nmi Heath was with me in okinawa and phu bai keep up the good work on your site -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/21/1999 0:41:32am Name: David E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Currently Dallas, Texas Comments: Greetings Cohorts, it feels so odd to say 27 years since I was at Phu Bai. So why say it you ask? Well because it has been one long stretch of road on my way home from Vietnam. I know I am not there yet but not so dark anymore because of this site. Thank you Wayne for this site. My sanity and survival have been enhanced by this and a couple of other sites like it. Things I ended up doing in Ops during Spring of 1972 left me fried and nearly destroyed from guilt. But, over the past almost five years, and with the help of one hellaciously good man, a therapist at the Dallas VA hospital, I am coming home slowly. Thank you again for being on the web. Thanks also for this opportunity to tell my story a bit. With heartfelt care and love, Dave "James" Chastain, (98C20) 8th RRFS, December 10, 1971 thru December 12, 1972. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 10/19/1999 8:37:37am Name: John Braun E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Sidney Ohio Comments: Nice job on the site. I enjoyed the trip down memory lane provided by the pix of Phu Bai. I was an 04B2L80 at the 8th RRFS from Dec 68 to July 70 with side trips to local FSB's in the area, a nd have some photos if you are interested. Thanks for the site, I'll be back to explore the rest of your site as time permits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/07/1999 1:32:41am Name: sam rivers E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: virginia via vermont Comments: must be my anniversary oct 66-oct67.great site great pics ,i can almost taste the "olympia beer" and the naplam..was a 31j at the time,, retired after 22 and now work for dod. give me a shout..anyone sam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 07/16/1999 3:01:15pm Name: Krstolich Jim (Pollock) E-Mail: Homepage Title: N/A Homepage URL: http://none i Referred By: From a Friend Location: Kansas City, Kansas Comments: I was a O5D20 SIT op, 8th RRFS Oct.70 to Oct,71. 7th RRFS from Oct. 71 to March 73. Great site, memories came flooding back. Thanks Bro. Phu Bai was ALRIGHT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/13/1999 6:17:24am Name: John Di Nunzio E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Web Ring Location: Naples, FL Comments: Great Site! Looking for 144th Aviation Co.(RR) vets. I'm the guy that built the dayroom (s). We are trying to get up a reunion for summer 2000. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/22/1999 1:32:17am Name: Ralph Jordan E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Web Ring Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Comments: Finding your 8th RRFS webpage was like digging upa time capsule. The contents of which look differentin the light of 27 years into the future. Phu Bai'71-'72. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 03/20/1999 4:08:39pm Name: Russell E-Mail: Homepage Title: Russell's Island Page Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Richmond, VA Comments: really enjoy your Vietnam page. Found some useful information for mine. I have a adopted POW/MIA on mine that I am trying to find information on. He is SSgt. Robert D. Owens with the special forces. Thanks for serving over there! Russell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 03/12/1999 3:04:59am Name: Bill Prout E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Richmond, Virginia Comments: Entered country in May 1967 and was assigned to the 409th RRU, 11th ACR in Xuan Loc. In October 1967 was re-assigned to the 8th at Phu Bai. Your page has brought back many memories of that time and place. The pictures of the Tet Offensive attack were thought provoking. I have several pictures from around the compound that I took the next morning. The third or fourth rocket round into the compound almost nailed me. Several of us were in the middle of our regular late night poker game (we had come in from the swing shift) when Charlie interrupted the game. There had been several mortar attacks in the months preceding Tet, but those attacks were mostly a nuisance. To this day, I believe local nationals working on the compound provided coordinates to the Charlie rocket teams. Great page that brings many memories. Would like to hear from others who were stationed at Phu Bai. Regards, and continued success to you. Bill Prout Richmond, Virginia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 02/19/1999 1:36:01am Name: Brad Pummel E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Westerville, OH Comments: Hey great Phu Bai page. I left you E-Mail to join the squad and hopefully will get on the list. Thanks again for your help and the page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/01/1999 3:26:22pm Name: Rae Stabosz E-Mail: Homepage Title: Rae's Potpourri Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Newark, DE Comments: Hey Buddy, Your Vietnam page is looking really good, mucho new stuff since last time I was here. I'll be checking out the rest of the site. And say... how about them Phils???? Raebob -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/17/1999 1:54:21am Name: James Lairson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Greensboro, N.C. Comments: Great page, really enjoyed it. I was in the ASA from 1964 to 1968. Spent 13 month at Phu Bai from 65 to 66, several short months at Bad Abling, Germany and then transfered to Herzo Base. Would have stayed in if Herzo Base had not gotten into the picture. Keep up the great work, Jim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 12/24/1998 2:44:38am Name: Steve Mitchell E-Mail: Homepage Title: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Virginia Comments: Nice Website. I was in B row 1/31/68, but not for long once the 122mm's started coming in. I've got some pics of Tri Bac and Hue--got some shots of the Citadel just before they blew it to hell. Like to hear from Lacy, Gooble, Scottie (from Philly). Have been in touch with Stoney Burke (Lubbock TX) over past several years. Also Wayne Rose. We are all 05h's. God, what happened to me...I can still copy code after 30 years! Diddybopper Forever! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/06/1998 10:33:57pm Name: Tom Hartmann E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Eagle, WI Comments: 8th RRFS 8/71-5/72, 7th RRFS 5-9/72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/08/1998 6:27:54am Name: Doug peterson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: minnesota Comments: GREAT SITE. I will come here often. It has brought back many memories to mind. Was there in 1970-71. When viewing the pics of the 8thRRFS it seems like yesterday. It was the event of our generation. Didn't like VN. Then why did I do 2 tours? Because of the commradier I guess. Something that I havn't found anywhere else. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/17/1998 10:44:34pm Name: Tom Graham E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Clinton , Utah Comments: Good home page. Da nang 1967-1968 US. A.F. Remember our fallen brothers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 07/12/1998 2:28:11am Name: Robert Johnson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Red Eagle's 1st ABD Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Bakersfield, CA Comments: Thank for the visit. Phu Bai Is All right -- NOT! ou have done a good job -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07/08/1998 7:35:09pm Name: Davis F, Stillson E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Word of Mouth Location: Carrboro, North Carolina Comments: Beautiful web site, I assume you do something like this for a living. I am barly into HTML, most of my experience over the past 20 years has been video production, I am a TV P/D for the School of Medicine here at UNC Chapel Hill. Maybe you have heard of our basketball program? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 07/04/1998 2:16:45pm Name: Ray Star E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Net Search Location: Manville, NJ 08835 Comments: Great job with Web site. Keep up the good work. Ray Star 68-69 8th.RRFS, Phu Bai -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 06/24/1998 12:32:04am Name: John A. Wilson E-Mail: JWWILLIE56@AOL.COM Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Spring Lake, N.J. Comments: Friend of the Down Under 1980-1990 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 06/04/1998 9:24:35pm Name: Cindy E-Mail: Homepage Title: At Home With Cindy Homepage URL: Referred By: Word of Mouth Location: Indiana Comments: Great collection of links - my husband is a veteran - thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 06/04/1998 9:22:33pm Name: Jim Chancellor E-Mail: Homepage Title: American Veterans Collection Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Indiana Comments: Great site!! I've added a link to you on my webpage - under links in the Veteran Homepages! Would you be interested in trading links? Thanks!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/11/1998 2:58:11am Name: Marvin Copeland E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Riverside,CA Comments: Just passin thru. 339th rrfs det 8 Plekui 71-72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/18/1998 6:31:00pm Name: T.J. Roberts Sr. E-Mail: Homepage Title: T.J.Territory Homepage URL: Referred By: Word of Mouth Location: Mississippi Comments: I was with the 8th RRFS from May66 to Dec67 O5H Ten later on assigned to 83rd RRSOU in Bangkok the 7th RRFS Udorn from oct 69 to oct 71. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/03/1998 0:22:05am Name: Jeff Whalin E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Arizona now, Florida in the 70's Comments: Looks like I got to Nam (71-72) after you got back to the world. My trek started in Can Tho (the delta) with the 156thRR fixing "beavers (RU6) mission gear" until we stood down. From there I got to see the garden spot - Phu Bhi with the 138thRR. And then on to El Paso to Biggs Army Air Field. Some good and bad memories.... Take care, Jeff -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/01/1998 9:40:49pm Name: Marty Moranville E-Mail: lvmsmail/leavpo13/moranvim Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Word of Mouth Location: leavenworth,KS Comments: 8th RRFS: Jan-June 72. 7th RRFS: June - Nov 72. USASAFSK June 75 - July 76. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 03/24/1998 2:01:32am Name: Will McKenzie E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Montgomery Ala. Comments: I was a radio operator wihh FLSG-A (USMC) 67-68 out ofthe base and saw some fermiler sights rather enjoied it. Made TET 68 Hue with 5th. Marines. thanks for the tour. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 03/19/1998 5:12:10pm Name: Tom Hedly E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Wayne: I was sent from Clark TDY to Phu Bai in 63 and again 64. There were very few buildings when I wqas there, mostly tents etc. Was ASA from 61 thru 64. Phu Bai when I was there was det 1 of the 3rd RRU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 03/18/1998 11:14:08pm Name: Bill Kimbrell E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: South Carolina Comments: I was with the 62nd engr b.n 159th group in longbinh {jungle.eaters} and if anyone knows how to find info on that company please let me know. bill kimbrell thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 03/08/1998 4:35:25am Name: Mike Cook E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In! Location: Alpena, Mi. Comments: Was with 265th at Eagle then when the 101st went home in 72, came down to Phu Bai .Would like to hear from anyone there at that time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/25/1998 3:04:36am Name: Mark Webb E-Mail: Homepage Title: Musings from an ex-Grunt Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed On In! Location: Midland, Tx. Comments: Hah!! I haven't seen a FTA sign in forever. Nice to finally see a peace sign on Vet web site. I had a great time perusing your VN pages. I have a couple of "peace sign pics" from RVN class of '69 if you're interested. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 01/02/1998 5:34:15am Name: Terrence W. Middle E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Word of Mouth Location: Coppell, Texas Comments: I was in the 5th RRU. We supported our units in Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam. We had the tennis courts and a swimming pool. We were very comfortable and justifiable pleased with with our mission and the way we carried it out. I would wish that all of our mates could have been as well situated. We, of the ASA, were doing an important job. Some day those of the least of society, thoes who did discredit our efforts will understand, though they will never admit it. How else could they maintain their position in society? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/21/1997 2:39:42pm Name: JIM WOLTERMAN E-Mail: J17W@AOL.COM Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In! Location: CINCINNATI Comments: i was in phu bai at the 8th from 5/69 to 2/72, worked in the r&u shop the first tour and then was a ditty bopper the rest of the time i wish we could put together a reunion , i would be willing to help,and or organize it. anyone interested send me an e-mail. tks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/14/1997 2:48:00pm Name: Randolph Smith (Randy) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In! Location: Faifax, VA Comments: Served in Vietnam during 1966-1967 at Phu Bai as a Ditty Bopper, Later fly RU-8D's out of the 144th at Nha Trang during 1969. Also put 3 mos TDY at Udorn during Tet '68 at Ramussen Stn. Served a tour at Hakata during 1968. Now happily married, have two grown girls -- one is a Senior at Udel. Drop Me a line. Randy Smith, call sign: "sierra foxtrot" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/11/1997 5:15:00pm Name: Mike Sannes E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In! Location: San Diego, CA Comments: Great site, I was with the 8th RRU in 1964 and 65. Not so large then. Also was on the USNS Sgt. Joseph E. Muller off Cuba in 63 (lots of fun then). Love to hear from anyone. Mike Sannes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/04/1997 4:00:00pm Name: Andy Vaden E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Net Search Location: Rio Grande, New Jersey Comments: Greetings...... I had to take time and thank you for your work in putting the 8th RRFS page together. I was ASA from 67 through 71 and did my one VN tour at the 8th (11/69-11/70). I went there from Vint Hill as a 33B and ended up a 95B (Cop) working the gate outside OPS.("Where's you Badge?). .. Last spring I got involved with the USASA Alumni Association- National Capital Region. Met a lot of interesting ASA'ers (all a lot older than myself). I assume the B-52 Dispatch is your artwork.... nice work... it would look good on a black t-shirt.... I never got a good read on when you were there...Was the Trai Bac Station Power & Light Co. (the 8th's 6 tube 81MM mortar team) still operating? In what little can be found about the 8th, they are never mentioned. Belonging to the mortar team got you off guard and other details. Anyone who caught guard in tower 3 by the pits will remember the T2 ringing and you scrambling out of the tower before the tubes opened up. It was not unheard of for a low angle round to riccochette off the tower.... Again, nice work & thanks for the memories! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------