" Lake Elizabeth " ...after my daughter

About this painting...
  • (48inches tall / 45inches wide)
  • Acrylic on canvas
  • (Best viewed in real-life...this is a low-res scan of a photgraphic print)

A Concept Piece

This is quite a departure from my normal painting style.
The reasons why:
I wanted to see if I could paint a painting that had commercial appeal without compromising my artistic sensibilities. (That is, a painting that one might hang over their couch down at the beach house ...I think I succeeded.)

My dream is to someday paint for a living. I've been a freelance Illustrator and at times employed as a Computer Graphics Artist for over fifteen years now, and though, for the most part, I find my work rewarding I havent yet found a company that will pay me to paint paintings from 9 to 5. Shame.

This is a painting done more in my usual surrealist style...


A Construction

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