Wayne Ripley  -- 65

058 (H), Ditty-Bopper , Phu Bai, April'65- May'66 then Oct'66 - Oct'67

Got to Phu Bai in April of 1965 left in May 1966 -returned in October 1966 and left again October 1967. 25 months in all. Spent some time in between at Homestead Air Force Base and then Vint Hill Farm Station to finish my four years. I was 18 when I got to Phu Bai as were most of my colleagues. Life was tolerable there. The first year was pretty uneventful except for the home made bomb found in our showers - undetonated! The second year got a little hairier. I remember very vividly the night we got mortored. But I was fortunate to get out of there before Tet. I understand that things really got hairy after I left. "A" row was blown up by a rocket? [ ...sure was! ]

Grew up in New Hampshire - now live happily in Orlando, Florida.

Wayne Ripley  -- 65
8thRRFS trailers -- 65
8thRRFS guard tower -- 65
8thRRFS trenches -- 65
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