WHA'SNOO @ da 8th RRFS?
Here's a list of the stuff thats been added to the site that might not be obvious to anyone but me.
    There's been a funny addition to the Controlled Access Post page. [Back Gate] [06/17/00]

    Here's an article from Hanoi submitted by Mac Tippins, an ARDF pilot. Thought it might be fun to list news stories related to RVN that Vets might find interesting or amusing. I find
    this one
    amusing. [04/06/00]

    Just put up a pic of the sign at the back gate. It occurred to me as I was working on this page that the sign said one thing but really meant another. I put a textarea box on the page so that if you guys want to you can help me elaborate of just what that sign did mean. I'll post all the responses I get on that page. (3/15/00)

    Added a link to Bob Minotts site for 72Bees. (3/08/00)

    Got some Tet '68 pics from Steve Mitchell. ((Feb20, 2000))

    I just added a frequently uttered quote ...Fuck the mission; clean the position!

    Thought I'd throw this URL in too... If you dont know about it, Vern Greunke has an ASA Locator Database , check it out. Hes got around 17,000 old ASA'ers in there. This link takes you to his registration form. He doesnt want just anybody snooping around his DB.

I get email from guys who were stationed at the 8th RRFS on the average of once a week. Those who send me pics and stories get their own web pages on this site. But not everyone has the capacity or inclination to scan old photos or even has old photos to scan...but, they've made an effort to get in touch with fellow Phu Bai'ers and rather than leave them rotting away in my ASA mailbox, I've decided to start this list.

So, the purpose of this list is to aid in continued communications between guys who've had that unique Phu Bai experience.

[[ Confusing, huh??? ]]
About this list:

Names are arranged roughly in reverse-chronological order from the date received. That means the most recent communications will be at the top and as new ones come through my inbox, I'll continue to list them starting at the top.


I cant guarantee that these email addresses are still valid however as folks these days tend to move around so much... Try'em out and if you get an errror let me know and I'll remove that name from the list. I can say that they were valid as of June,99.

Bob Minott 72B / 71-72 mail
Allen Avritt ?? / '67 -'69 mail
Hank Jerzak 32G / '71 mail
Rick Copeland 05K / '66 mail
John Frketic COL 05H / '69 mail
Gerald Dewald 05H / '61(?) mail
Dan Thayer TA / '?? mail
Dennis Henderson WAR /'70 mail
Michael R. Healy 05D /'67 mail
Rich Levesque Sgt /'72 mail
Thomas Chisholm -- /'70 mail
Tim Currie 98C / '68 mail
Lee Waters 05H / '69 mail
Dan Miller (K3UFG) 72B / '64 mail
Marvin Copeland 330th /'71 mail
Jack Baughman 98B / '68 mail
Richard C. Coffey ? / '?? mail
Gary Guenther ? / '?? mail
Charles Lynch ? / '?? mail
Dave Luke - MHA ? / '?? mail
Jack Bogrand ARDF / '62 mail
Frank Clancy 72B /'?? mail
Thomas Chisholm ? / '70 mail
Gordy 98C /'70 mail   BACK