THE "BUBBLE-HEAD!" "Bubbles...In bubbles we have the Earth, Moon and Stars, Space and Time. Created by a chemical reaction, flung into space and just as quickly ...POP!" |
| ATTN: Elizabeth She's studying now with her father. She works mostly in Crayon and Chalk. To the right, however, is an installation she put together that I was lucky enough to get a photograph of as these works are quite spontaneous and therefore shortlived. |
I love her so much I love her so well If I had a peanut I'd give her the shell! Away from her studio...she's takes time to care for her baby. Being of a tender age, she knows the diference between the worldy and the sublime. Thank God she's not one of those obcessive women artists who insist on including babies in all their work. | " C o m p u t i q u e A u' N a t u r a l " ( This photo was taken by and is wholly sactioned by her Mother ) |
Monkey Rides Hippo |
Matissian Sail Boat | |