Curt's Apology to Jack.

Forgive me Jack! I was remiss in getting the last twenty or so of youre pics up online. About two years remiss. My excuse is a lame one, but here goes anyway.

Just as I got your pics, (which are great!) I also was disolving my partnership in my first web dev company. And in so doing was renovating my computer-room into a home office. Your pics were transferred to the garage during that process. I thought at the time that I would bring things back in as needed. I didnt. I still have things out in the garage that have never made it back into the H/O.

When you asked me to return the pics over a year ago, I was reluctant to do so, cuz I thot they were so great and I knew the day would come when I'd get around to getting them up. It didnt. Not until, your buddy, Burt Slesinger wrote me. Then I knew I was in deep doo-doo. The old watch was ganging up on me and I had better get with the program. So, I did, and here they are for everyones edification.

Again, I'm sorry!


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